Club Related > J-Town Disc Golf Club

Voting Polls now open..


The JTown Disc Golf Club Position that is being voting upon is for the MEMBER ADVOCATE.  

Position Description: The Member Advocate is responsible for maintaining a positive relationship between the Board of Directors and the general membership.  The Member Advocate shall talk with members to come up with member concerns and desired changes in a more informal setting than the general membership meetings.  These topics will then be presented at meetings on the member's behalf, anonymously if desired.

Nominations are:

Randy Bruemmer
Darrin Johnson
Dave Kocuiba
Nate Winterstein

Please PM or Email your vote to a club officer, you must be a current member to vote and one vote per member.  Officers are:  Ray Hill (gratefuldad), Frank Grimes (frankie), Dean Bingham (bangham), or Jason Poole (pooleje)
All votes WILL BE KEPT PRIVATE.  If you would prefer to do it pen and paper instead of electronic, please attend the meeting on Sunday at Channahon.  Electronic Voting will be open until the 8pm Saturday 8/21/10.

Votes will be tallied at a special club meeting held Sunday morning at 10am Channahon.  (we will grab a pavilion as long as no people have parties)

Also at that time we will be going over club logo for next years bag tags.  If you can make it please don't miss it.  


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