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My Friend FRANK

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Thanks Patrick,
The bone scan was negative, that's good. It appears the cancer hasn't spread. I go for another test Tuesday. I wasn't clean enough for the colonqscopy. I didn't know I was so full of shit.
The colonoscopy is rescheduled for 05/25. Two days of fasting & two different type of laxatives. With treatment I'm sure I'll be fine.

I had a CT scan lat week. They gave me an iv along with drinking a milky colored product, called barium sulfate. This scan is for internal organs & blood vessels.They found something about 1/3" on my lung, not serious but to be watched. I also had a hormone shot, & get those for two years. This slows the spread of the cancer.
The next thing is a prostate simulation. This is used to target the radiation.
Instructions are, I'm reading this.
We ask you to remove your clothes from the waist down.
During the scan we will insert a small soft tube in your rectum and place a small amount or fluid on you penis. You will not need pain medications.
Oh how fun that will be! 
Actually, the next thing is a colonoscopy.

Great News!
I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy procedure done today. They found no polyps in my colon which is a big relief. The colonoscopy was a two day ordeal I had to prepare for. The first day which was last Sunday, I had to drink magnesium citrate at timed intervals which continued into day two. I than had to drink Golytely ( go light ly) and it had to be more than a gallon. Maybe a gallon. I drank 8 ounces every ten minutes of this unpleasant tasting drink. After two hours the intervals extended and it ended up taking about 41/2 hours to complete. Every interval was a trip to the bathroom. My butt was real sore! It appears I don't have to deal with colon cancer. What a big relief! I'm told prostate cancer is one of the more cureable cancers & I'm convinced I can beat it. Today's test has lifted my spirits.

The endoscopy went down my throat & I think they took some routine biospies of my lungs & stomach. It seemed a little strange from the sedative, I'm not positive where they took the biospies. They told me it would take 5 to 10 days to get those results.

God Bless my disc golf friends for your my second family! Through your questions, comments, smiles and body language I feel your support and concerns every day.

I still have battles but I will win the war!

Note that Gary Lewis is my disc golf mentor, my spirit & he's the reason why I sacrifice my time with our great sport. I say that with thoughts over the past many years. I've always had high regard for Gary & my involvement with Disc Golf came from him, he set the example.

I can't deny God in my life, even if the next tests come in positive. I'll be pleased to discuss it with you.


God is good, all the time; and all the time, God is good!  It's a phrase my family remembers often.

I'm glad that the reports have been well.  You're a fighter, Frank, and I know you'll be fine.  I'm also glad that I stopped by the forums to read this thread and the latest update, thanks for sharing it with everyone!

I have the results from the endoscopy & they are negative. That was going down through the mouth. They did find one little thing a hiatal hernia, that is a non issue & many people have them. It is nothing to worry about & doesn't need treatment.

So, the next deal is the radiation simulation 06/10/10. I may pass that story on, I think that's going to be a humbling experience. I'm still amazed I didn't have any polyps. I believe in the power of prayer.

It appears all I have to deal with is the prostate cancer.

I thank all of for your support!!!


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