Although I need to leave early, I'll bring a small chain saw to cut firewood.
It's been 6 weeks since your surgery already Frankie? Please take it easy cutting that wood! Do you have a note from your doctor?
He was carrying railroad ties in week 3!
Are you coming out Sr.?
I did not carry any railroad ties to this date. The ENT Dr. put the fear in me, & my daughter called me multiple time daily. I did plant a Hosta for the tournament, & was extremely careful. Thanks Randy, I'll be careful & won't split the wood. The Endo Dr. said take it easy for a couple more weeks. I see the neurosurgeon tomorrow. I'm doing very well & looking forward to Famous Daves!
Your daughter is amazing Frankie and those beans are so good!
We need baskets too. We will be setting up 5 or 6 extra holes.
Firewood and a Fire starter might be needed. It sounds like a cool weekend.
1. All divisions are combined for the doubles round, Sign-up around 10:00 am and start between 11:00 and 11:30 am. 2. Possible Womens only doubles if we have enough come out and sign up.
2. Wives, girlfriends, kids, etc. are all welcome.
Everyone must keep a close eye on Frankie, Doctor said no bending over for a while, Frank doesn't have take it easy in his vocabulary, rest my Friend.... Get well soon Frankie!
Shawn McCarthy is always there when I need him! We're doing an octagon tier on #18's basket. He sees what I'm doing, & not a word is said. then adjusts to the situation. It's like he's in my head. He is awesome!!!
You guys make a great team, saw some pics on facebook and it looks awesome. Thanks for all you guys do!