Disc Golf Related > Leagues & Tourneys

J Town vs Fox Valley Club Challenge

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Jason Fox Valley has access to the Civic Center so we will be playing the course right there so we can go into the Civic Center on break.

here is the roster so far... if you want to play and your name isn't on the roster yet let me know.

1) Jason Riley
2) Eric Fite
3) Matt Preston
4) Randy Moore Sr.
5) Jason Poole
6) Thor Batchelor
7) Ben Carrescia

These spots are still open.. I have had several people say that they want to play but with out a current membership I can't let you play.  So if you want to play make sure you sign up for J Town Disc Golf Club and then let me know you are a current member.  If you are current and you want to play let me know. 

count me in on this one thor, phil wants to play too, but he has to register wit j town still he will do that this weekend

Bald Eagle:
9am start time.  We have 12+

(posting for Blaine)

Fox Valley will provide lunch!


--- Quote from: barcas420 on February 18, 2011, 01:22:31 PM ---count me in on this one thor, phil wants to play too, but he has to register wit j town still he will do that this weekend

--- End quote ---
I still have some running around & we can set something up at the store. If someone will cover the cost I'll drop off the tag. I can also be at leagues Sunday.


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