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J-Town Disc Golf: State Senior Games

Author Topic: State Senior Games  (Read 2618 times)


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State Senior Games
« on: October 28, 2011, 10:32:29 AM »
I cannot do this. Is there anyone interested? Free free to contact Don. His info is at the bottom.

I cannot do this. Is there anyone interested? Free free to contact Don. His info is at the bottom.

Hellp Brett:
    My name is Don Dillon and I am the Chairman of the PDGA Senior Committee. One of our major projects is to get disc golf entered into the individual State Senior Games. Perhaps you have read my postings on the PDGA web pages and the Senior Committee link? The main objective is to interest more seniors in playing disc golf for all the benefits they will receive plus the benefits to the game and PDGA. This is not a drive for PDGA membership, but rather a drive to promote recreational and competitive disc golf. One way to reach these goals is to get disc golf entered into the State Games and the State Senior Games. These are two different organizations with seperate national organizations and national competitions. The difference between the two is that the State Games are open to all ages and the Senior Games are open to those players over the age of 50.
    Illinois does not have State Games but does have State Senior Olympic Games, held each year and open to residents from all over, to include international. These games are held as quantifiers for the bi-annual national championships and offer a great opportunity to get senior players into the games. I have written PDGA State Coordinators about these state games before and published a list of the states with these games and whom to contact. Perhaps you are a new State Coordinator and did not receive this information. As the Illinois State Coordinator, I thought that you might be interested in the conversation I had this morning with the Illinois State Olympic Coordinator. Her name is Deborah Staley at 217-753-0700. She is aware of the disc golf game and would welcome the introduction of the sport to their senior games. The only requirement would be that she would need some person to manage and man the effort as she is the only person in the state office. She tells me that players come from all the surrounding state, more distant states and even international. She had 1400 players last year! As the PDGA State Coordinator, you would be the perfect person to take up this challenge!!!
    Such a challenge would be similar to being a Tournament Director for a PDGA event, except that here the State pays the expenses, you get State sponsored publicity and promote disc golf to a wide population as part of a state and national organization. This would be a great project for a local disc golf club and could be written up in state and national senior publications. Illinois has over 143 disc golf courses and around 599 PDGA players and how many unknown non PDGA players that offer a wonderful resource pool. Such an effort would encourage other seniors to play the game and as such, increase the pool of players for course maintenance and additional courses  or course expansion. There are many benefits in getting more seniors into the game. With the explosion of "Baby Boomers", there is an increasing population to work with.
    I hope you will pick up and run with this opportunity. Please contact Deborah at 217-753-0700. Also, please keep me informed about your efforts and success. 
Don Dillon,