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J-Town Disc Golf: Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes
« on: September 17, 2009, 10:49:44 AM »
J-Town Discgolf Club Meeting 1
9/16/09 7:30 PM
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431

Members in Attendance:
   Frank Grimes
   Jason Poole
   Ray Hill


1)   Create mission statement
To promote the sport of disc golf.

2)   Adopt constitution
Constitution passes unanimously. (Posted separately)

3)   Adopt bylaws
Bylaws accepted unanimously. (Posted separately)

4)   Select Board of Directors
a.   Initial Board Members
i.   President
Ray Hill

ii.   Vice President
Frank Grimes

iii.   Secretary
Dean Bingham

iv.   Treasurer
Jason Poole

v.   Member Advocate
Roy Bazan

b.   Set office dates and election time.
Board of Directors term is from June 1 to May 31 and are elected in May.  First election to take place in 2011.

5)   Sign-up/Tag Distribution form.
a.   Name, PDGA, Address, e-mail
b.   initial tag number, carabineer
c.   Money received
Sign-Up form accepted.
Possibility of adding a non-tag level of membership (to be discussed at a future meeting).

6)   PDGA Affiliate
a.   10 PDGA Members required
b.   $25
Paperwork will be completed to become an affiliate club for 2009.

7)   Rules for playing bag tags.
To be discussed at a future meeting, as issues arise.

8 )   Handicapped singles league.
To be discussed at a future meeting.

9)   Financial
a.   Bag Tags Purchased (1-120)- $189.75
i.   J-Town Discgolf Club
Funding and naming approved.  Funds loaned from Jason Poole to be reimbursed as membership payments are accepted.

b.   Quote received for 500 carabineers (300 Black, 100 Green, 100 Royal)- $225.00
i.   JTownDiscgolf.com
Quantity to be increased to 1000 and to include additional colors.
Funding and naming approved.
Funding to be loaned by Jason Poole to be reimbursed as membership payments are accepted.

c.   Open new checking account
Ray Hill and Jason Poole are going to look into getting a tax id number in order to get a checking account in the clubs name.

10)   Club sanctioned tournament.
Approved unanimously.  Details to be discussed at a future meeting.

11)   Open Discussion
Jason Poole selected to hold the staff position of webmaster.
Frank Grimes selected as Park Liaison to the Channahon Park District.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 10:51:56 AM by JTownDiscGolf »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 07:44:18 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting
11/21/09 6:00 PM—meeting 2
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431

Members in Attendance:
•   Dean Bingham
•   Frank Grimes
•   Jason Poole
•   Ray Hill

1)   Financial Report
•   Club Balance: $558.06
•   Jason Poole—reimbursed for initial investment of bag tags
•   Keep gift for membership—carabineer
•   2011 membership will consist of a $15 donation to the club—includes a new bag tag and a carabineer

2)   Club Statistics
•   Number of Members
75 total—59 PDGA members
•   Number  of remaining tags
45- Will look into purchasing more tags once we’re down to 20
3)   PDGA Affiliate 2009
•   Motion to become a PDGA Affiliate-passed
4)   Schedule for future meetings
•   2nd Monday on ODD Months
•   Location for General Membership meetings- still looking for convenient places

5)   Member Feedback/Concerns
•   No concerns at this time

6)   Sanctioned Tournament
•   Ray will ask Brett for tournament availability (presented by the J-Town Disc Golf Club)
•   Contact a vendor to handle merchandise for possible tournament
•   Sanctioned club tournament—possibly during the week in July
o   2 divisions- Pro/Am

7)   Tag Challenge Day/Time/Organizer
•   Rotate officers who are organizing the challenge
o   Ask for volunteers to help organize/run the challenge
•   Saturdays at 10:00 am (follow current league schedule)
o   Ray- 1st week (1st Saturday in December—12/05)
o   Frank- 2nd week
o   Jason- 3rd week
o   Dean- 4th week
•   Personalized scorecards for Tag Challenge

8 )   Handicapped Leagues
•   Tuesdays- following summer league schedule

9)   Club vs. Club Challenges
•   Tryouts held to select players
•   Contact Fox Valley for Club Challenge
•   Come up with different formats for the Challenge

10)   Open Discussion
•   Newsletter-
o   possible “blurb” about the members and their accomplishments in the Disc Golf community
o   Course improvements
o   Upcoming events
•   Club colors have been changed to orange and blue

Motion to close the meeting- 7:45 pm


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 07:35:55 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting
1/11/10 5:30 PM—meeting 3
Panera Bread- Rt. 59 & Caton Farm Rd., Plainfield, IL  60544

Motion to bring meeting to order @ 5:33PM, seconded.

Members in attendance:
• Ray Hill
• Frank Grimes
• Jason Poole
• Dean Bingham

1) Financial Report
• $932.42
• Purchased 27 clipboards, salt, and pencils

2) Club Statistics
• 105 members, 77 are PDGA members
• More tags will be purchased for 2010 with a little more research for 2011

3) PDGA Affiliate 2009
• $25 plus $.44 for the stamp
• Jtown members are encouraged to sign-up/renew your PDGA memberships through Jtown Disc Golf Club (officers:  Ray Hill, Frank Grimes, Jason Poole, Dean Bingham, Roy Bazan) for a discount on the fee

4) Ice Bowl
• Thor and Frank Grimes are working on details
• Sponsors are always welcome
• There will be a spokesperson “On Air with Kevin”

5) Tag Challenge Day
• Successful when the weather has been nice

6) Club vs. Club Challenges
• Frank is contacting Randy

7) Q & A for Members
• Members can also ask questions or make comments to jtowndiscgolf@gmail.com

Motion to adjourn @ 6:42PM, seconded


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2010, 04:18:34 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 4
3/8/10, 6:00 PM
McDonald’s – 4280 W Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60431

Motion to bring meeting to order @ 6:00 PM, seconded
Members in attendance:
•   Ray Hill
•   Jason Poole
•   Frank Grimes
•   Dean Bingham
•   Josh Knight
•   Dana Vicich
•   Randy Bruemmer
•   Tom Matesevac

1) Frank’s & Bean’s Tuesday Nights
•   Start date:  April 20, 2010, Follow the same schedule as the doubles league.
•   $5 entry fee, optional Ace ($1) & CTPs (2-$2/CTP) = $5, CTPs will be designated as Prize Fund & Club Enhancements.  The payout will be the top 30% with a minimum of $5 for last cash.  $0.50 from each entry fee will pay the hot round of the day.
•   Handling of non-rated players:  If you do not have a PDGA rating, your first 3 rounds at the handicap leagues will be free to establish your handicap.  You will only be allowed to participate in the Ace Fund, CTPs, and Bag Tags.  Another option to acquire your handicap; if a club officer is willing to play those three rounds outside of league night. After you accumulate more rounds your rating will be taken from your best 3 of your last 5 rounds.
•   Frank Grimes and Dean Bingham will be running it.
•   We have decided to stick with pen and paper for now until we progress with leagues.  Need for a computer will be addressed at a later date.

2) Discontinuum Club Challenge on 3/28/10 in Hoffman Estates
•   We need commitments from members.  We didn’t realize it landed on the last day of winter leagues.  If you do not have a lot vested in going to the last league come out and represent J-Town.  You will find information on the message board under Leagues & Tourneys.  It is a free, non-sanctioned event.  There will be three other clubs competing:  Discontinuum, Fox Valley, and Streamwood.
•   J-Town will be responsible for setting-up a few of the temp holes.  Since they have expanded to 2 courses to include us, it would be nice to show up with great numbers.  J-Town needs to bring a few extra baskets.  We are looking for some good baskets we could borrow from members.

3) Ice Bowl Review
•   Ice Bowl was a hit!  Thank you players and of course everyone that was involved.  88 players and sponsors raised $3559 & 300 lbs. of food.  All proceeds went to the Morning Star Mission.  See you next year!
4) Financials, Member Count (see attached)
5) Inner-Club Team Challenges – To be discussed at a later date
6) Free Club Member PDGA Tournament
•   Ray Hill is going to contact Brett Comincioli about setting a July 9, 2010 date for a members-only sanctioned tournament.  Details:  9:30 AM tee-off, 2 rounds (Highland, Channahon), 2 divisions (Pro/Am).  This is simply a perk for club members to accumulate points and ratings.  The Pro division will have a $10 entry fee that will all go to the Pro purse.  We are going to work on getting trophies for 1st place in each division.
7)  Addressing Lost/Stolen Bag Tags
•   $5 first instance, $15 second instance, hopefully there are no more than two.
8 ) Member Concerns/Feedback
•   Address working relationship with Mokena
•   Club working with area schools
Motion to adjourn @ 7:39 PM, seconded


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 06:04:40 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 5
05/10/10 6:00 PM
Channahon Community Park

Motion to bring meeting to order, 6:01 PM, seconded.

Members in attendance:
Ray Hill
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham

1)  Financials (see attached)
2)  Club Logo
•   Contest Rules:  Submission deadline will be 06/09/10, approximate size (1.2” x 2.5”), needs to include 2011 & J-Town Disc Golf Club.
•   Once submissions are collected, there will be a vote.

3)  Club Tournament
•   State Coordinator contacted and approved, PDGA contacted
•   Jason is looking into making a score port.
•   Possibility of making a replica hole, out of Legos, for the trophies.

4)  Member Communication
•   Looking for member input for the newsletter.

Motion to adjourn, 6:44 PM, seconded.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2010, 12:28:58 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 6
7/12/10 5:00 PM
Channahon Community Park

Motion to bring meeting to order, seconded.  5:00 PM
Members in attendance:
Ray Hill
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham
Nate Winterstein

1)  Financials (see attached)

2)  Officer Review

•   Roy Bazan resigns from the position of Member Advocate.
•   The vote to change “unanimously” to “anonymously” in section II, B, 5, b; of the J-Town Disc Golf Club Bylaws & Operating Procedures was passed unanimously.
•   II. B. 5.  Member Advocate
a.   The Member Advocate is responsible for maintaining a positive relationship between the Board of Directors and the general membership.
b.   The Member Advocate shall talk with members to come up with member concerns and desired changes in a more informal setting than the general membership meetings.  These topics will then be presented at meetings on the member’s behalf, anonymously if desired.
•   Nominations for a new Member Advocate will be made until 8/2/10
•   8/3/10 voting will open
•   8/9/10 voting closes at J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting
•   Nominations, so far; are Tom Matesevac, Dave Kocuiba, Darrin Johnson, Nate             Winterstein, Randy Bruemmer.

3)  Club Tournament Review

•   Need to advertise more
•   Need to use it as a promotional tool to recruit more members
•   The vote to strike III, D, 3 from the J-Town Disc Golf Club Bylaws & Operating Procedures was passed unanimously.
•   The vote to replace III, D, 3 with “Any memberships sold on or after October 31st will be valid for the remainder of the current year and will extend through the following year,” was passed unanimously.

4)   Club Logo

•   Sean Cooke, Mike Kursell, Brian Schuman, and Dave Kocuiba are being contacted about submitting their drawings.  If there are any other artists that would like to submit something, please contact any of the club officers (Ray Hill, Frank Grimes, Jason Poole, Dean Bingham).
Motion to adjourn, seconded.  5:51 PM
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 01:17:03 PM by ray_hill »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 09:48:41 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Special Meeting
Channahon Community Park
10:22 AM

Members in attendance:
Ray Hill
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham
Sean Cooke
Mike Kursell

1) Member Advocate
•   Votes were tallied for nominees:
Randy Bruemmer  4
Darren Johnson     5
Dave Kocuiba       8
Nate Winterstein   4
•   Dave Kocuiba is the new Member Advocate for the J-Town Disc Golf Club
2) Club Logo
•   5 rough drafts were chosen from submissions.  They will be finalized by 9/5/10.  Then, they will be voted-on by the members of J-Town Disc Golf Club.  One of the designs will be chosen for the Club Logo.  The others will not be discarded and possibly used on future t-shirts, stamps, stickers, club merchandise, etc.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2010, 10:30:06 AM »
J‐Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 7
9/13/2010 5:00pm
Channahon Community Park
Channahon, IL
Motion to bring meeting to order, seconded. 5:15
Members in attendance:
Jason Poole
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Ray Hill

1) Financials (see attached)
2) Club Logo votes tallied:
a. 31 total member votes
b. Submission “C” was the winner with 22 votes.
i. (A‐4 votes B‐4 votes C‐22 votes and D‐1 vote)
c. For the logo being chosen, Mike Kursell will be given a membership to the 2011 J‐Town
Disc Golf Club season… Congratulations Mike!!
d. All other drawings and submissions will be saved and talked about later for J‐Town
advertising or events.

3) Introduction of Member Advocate
a. Dave Kociuba was enthusiastic to take office and is ready to contribute. He stated that
he understands his role and looks forward to helping the club advance in a positive

4) Ice Bowl 2011
a. Frank Grimes is already planning for a great tournament.
b. Would like the fund raising efforts to be more of a group action. Getting members
involved is vital to a successful outcome. The sooner we start collecting donations the
better the results.
c. The tournament will be held in the middle of February. Date TBD depending on
sanctioning agreements, etc.

5) Bag Tags for 2011
a. Now that a logo has been decided the board can order supplies for 2011.
b. Memberships for 2011 will begin to be sold after October 31, 2010.
c. The tags will remain the same size and style as 2010 with the newly voted logo being

6) Handicap League Wrap up/ Awards
a. A single “travel trophy” as well as a “keeper plaque/ trophy” will be awarded to 1st place
in the first season. The idea is that the trophy will go home with the winner for the “off
season” and or until a new winner is declared.
i. Winners names from year after year will be appended to the “traveling trophy”
b. Funding for the “travel trophy” will come out of the Club Enhancement fund that has
been collected throughout the season.
c. Second and third place trophies/ plaques will also be awarded.
d. Shopping for trophies and plaques are currently being quoted by the board.
e. All awards to be handed out in conjunction with the Doubles Picnic October 16th.
Motion to adjurn, 6:10


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2010, 04:07:41 PM »
J‐Town Disc Golf Club Meeting #8
11/08/10 5:00 PM
Shorewood, IL

Motion to call meeting to order 5:00pm, seconded

Members in Attendance:
•   Jason Poole
•   Frank Grimes
•   Ray Hill

1) Financials (please see attached)
a.   Member Count
b.   Member Funds Saved 
c.   Member Funds Spent
d.   Future Purchases
•   $25 for the club PDGA affiliation renewal. 
•   JTown Disc Golf Ice Bowl expenses

2) Ice Bowl 2011
•   Morning  Star Mission to be the charity Jtown will once again work with.
•   Date will be February 5th, 2011 at Channahon Community Park
•   Singles 2 rounds of 18  PDGA C-tier Event
•   With the Frank and Beans team working so well Dean Bingham has been nominated to be the TD of the event.  (Frank Grimes to be co-TD and taking officials test any day now)
•   There will be a special meeting in the near future to hand out jobs and tasks for the tourney.  Please contact a board member if you have any interest in working the tourney. 
•   Frank Grimes will lead the fund raising efforts once again 

3) Club Challenge Review
•   Inspired by the success of the club challenge between Discontinuum and Fox Valley, we thought it would be nice to keep it going with Streamwood Disc Golfer’s Union
•   Jason Poole and Ray Hill will make efforts to contact a club member of Streamwood to have an official club challenge
•   Looking to do it early December if all works out for both clubs
•   Stay tuned for details as they are made available

4) Distribution of 2011 Bag Tags
•   Will take place on November 28th after leagues at Lockport
•   The number of people that show up to play for their tag number will be taken out of the first (X) that stay.  Example is 15 players show up then 1-15 will be taken out for play that day, and distributed according to scores. 
•   The rest will be sold numerically to the best of the boards ability to those that do not want to play for the lower numbers that day. 

5) Winter Projects
•   Castle Wall for Channy #2
o   Current Bid Proposal for materials being prepared by Frank Grimes

6) JTown PDGA Renewals
•   Approved to pay the PDGA $25 to remain in the Affiliation Program
•   Communicate to members that they do receive a $5 on renewal through the club

7) Addressing Member Concerns and or Member Feedback
•   Talk to Cory Clements about Tag Saturdays and where that stands. 
•   Getting the non-for-profit paperwork together
•   Establishing a checking account


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2011, 09:17:59 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting #9
1/10/11 5:00 PM
McDonald’s Rte. 52 & I-55
Shorewood, IL
Motion to call meeting to order 5:10 PM, seconded.
Members in attendance:
Ray Hill
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham
Dave Kocuiba
Gary Lewis
Thor Batchelor
Randy Moore, Sr.

1) Financials
* See attached
* Insurance=$50 & Sanctioning=$50 for Ice Bowl

2) Ice Bowl 2011
* Flyers-Discussed final details for Dave Kocuiba to create Ice Bowl flyer.
* Need to spread the word to get members not playing involved with helping at Ice Bowl.
* Dean Bingham will be contacting local paper to get press release.
* Some job duties have been assigned: Frank Grimes/Raffle; Sign-Up/Dean Bingham, Ray Hill, Jason Poole; J-Town, PDGA Sign-up, Scoreboard/Dave Kocuiba, Merchandise/Gary Lewis.
* There will be another meeting prior to the Ice Bowl on 1/31/11. Time and place have not been decided yet.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2011, 11:36:13 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting #10
3/14/11 5:00 PM
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431

Motion to bring meeting to order 5:03 PM.

Members in attendance:
* Ray Hill
* Frank Grimes
* Jason Poole
* Dean Bingham
* Dave Kociuba
* Tom Matesevac

1) Financial Report (see attached)

2) J-Town Club Invitational
* 5/30/11
* Two rounds at Highland
* Tournament Director: Jason Poole
* $10 for Pro division, 100% payout.
* Free for Amateur division
* Trophy for 1st in each division.
* $10 for non-PDGA fee applies.
* PDGA sanctioned event for 2011 J-Town members only.

3) Discontinuum Club Challenge
* Held in Rockford, 3/27/11
* Captain(s): Dean Bingham, Dave Kociuba
* Donations: J-Town membership

4) Handicap Singles League (Frank’s & Bean’s)
* Singles will follow the Doubles Best Shot schedule, except that we will start on 4/19/11.
* We are adding a third CTP that will be free, and for members only.
* Cory Clements will be contacted to see if he will be interested in doing Saturday Bag Tag Challenges.

5) Board Member Nominations
* Nomination Period: 3/14/11-4/24/11
* Voting: 4/25/11-5/9/11
* Election Day: 5/9/11
* Elected Board Members take office on 6/1/11
* Nominated and accepted at the meeting: Dean Bingham- Secretary, Jason Poole- Treasurer, Dave Kociuba- Member Advocate

6) Team Challenge Review
* Challenge went well and was well attended. The organization of the team and the
advertising to club members needs to be worked on.
* With the plan of having more organized club challenges, the board is putting forth
the following rules for all future club challenges:
   a) Club officers are the only members authorized to issue/accept club
   challenges; no matter how big/small.
   b) Board members shall nominate and vote on captain(s)
   c) Failure to follow these rules will result in the J-Town Disc Golf Club not
   recognizing the event and will provide no assistance.
   d) Anything that is associated with J-Town Disc Golf Club needs to be
   approved by the board.

7) Social Media
* J-Town has a Facebook page and a Twitter account.
* We are trying to broaden our horizons.

8 ) Open Q&A
* We are looking to add more incentives to the J-Town membership, for example, merchandise.

Motion to close, 6:38 PM.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 11:39:33 AM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2011, 09:49:40 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting
05/09/11 5:00 PM
Channahon, Community Park

Members in attendance:
        Frank Grimes
        Jason Poole
        Dean Bingham

Meeting called to order, 5:15.

1)  Financial Report:  see attached.

2) Club Vice President Position
* Nominations will end on 05/23/11.
* Voting 05/23/11-06/01/11.
* Frank Grimes was nominated and accepted.

3)  Handicap League Review
* CTP #3 (J-Town Members only) An incentive to recruit more players for leagues and the club, free for members, will be running until the end of the 1st half of the summer season; at least.

4)  Purchasing of a laptop for league business
* $700 limit, for Club Laptop (purchased with General Fund).  Voted, approved.

5)  Course Improvements
* If we accept bids for course improvements, they are not to exceed 10% over the original bid with receipts.
* Bid:  $80 for treated 6x6 purchase to make Channahon Hole #2 (Wall) look more like the top of a castle wall.

6)  Club Merchandise Purchases
* We would like to get polyester/dry-fit polos.
* Collared, short-sleeve polo
* Screen-printing/embroidered
* Blue & orange
* Possible contacts:  That Guy’s Custom Screen Printing, Gary Lewis, Deb (Riphizers t-shirts)
* Looking for a club logo that identifies with J-Town (Any J-Town Member is welcome to submit ideas).

Meeting adjourned, 6:25 PM.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 04:13:54 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club, 7/11/11  Meeting #12
Channahon Community Park
Meeting called to order, 5:17 PM
Members in attendance:
Ray Hill
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham
Dave Kociuba

1)    Financial Report
•   See attached
2)    Club Invitational Recap
•   Memorial Day will be set for the future dates of the Club Invitational
3)    Club Logo
•   J-Town is looking for some ideas for a new club logo
•   Stipulations:  Something that associates with J-Town, all must be submitted by next club meeting (9/12/11), all submissions will be voted on at this meeting by club officers and club members present

4)    Club Shirts
•   Club Logo will be decided before we discuss shirts any further
5)    Vice President Position
•   There was only one nominee, therefore, Frank Grimes is the Vice President by default
6)    Handicap Leagues-Member Only CTP
•   We are beginning to get a more consistent number.
•   Hard to say if the member-only CTP is enticing more members to play.  We will continue the CTP until the end of the season.

7)    Rules for submitting projects for Club Enhancement (course projects)
•   Must give value
•   Not to exceed 10% of the original value with receipt
•   Present a timeline
•   What kind of help is needed from the club
•   No money for past projects
•   Email/contact a club officer
•   Board members will vote on approval of projects
Motion to adjourn meeting, 6:22 PM
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 06:35:57 PM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2011, 09:20:32 AM »
J‐Town Disc Golf Club Meeting #13
09/12/11 5:00 PM
Channahon Community Park

Meeting called to order, 5:05 PM.

Members in attendance:
* Ray Hill
* Frank Grimes
* Jason Poole
* Dean Bingham
* Dave Kociuba

1) Financial Report (see attached)

2) Frank’s and Bean’s Trophy Talk
* Dean is contacting Evon’s Trophies and Awards, and Dale Delsasso about the 2011 trophies.
* We are going to have an annual plaque with the first place winner of the singles handicap league
from each year, aside from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place plaques that we will award each year.
* The annual plaque will be paid for by borrowing from the General Fund and will be paid back by
paying a third of the amount for the next three years.

3) Club Logo
* The club is deciding on a permanent logo.
* Voting on the logo will take place at singles handicap league on 09/27/11 @ 4:30.

4) Club Shirts
* Delayed until Club Logo is finalized.

5) Member Course Projects

6) Open Q&A
* J‐Town Ice Bowl 02/04/12, Dave Kociuba will be the TD. He will be given $100 from the Club to
pay for the sanctioning fees and insurance with the PDGA.
* J‐Town Disc Golf Club has recognized the lines of communication have been opened with
Mokena Park District, Mary Beth Windberg, for relations in the future.

Meeting adjourned, 6:15.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2011, 11:44:00 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting
11/14/11 5:00 PM-- Meeting #14

McDonald's on Jefferson in Shorewood.

Meeting called to order, 5:00

Members in attendance:
Frank Grimes
Jason Poole
Dean Bingham
Ray Hill

1) Financial Report
(see attached)

2) Handicap League (recap)
* Discussed adding a cut off time for sign-ups to accommodate all the score card preparation and inputting on the laptop.

* It was voted on that the "Club Only CTP" was not effective in raising attendance and will not be offered next year. 

* Awareness that a better job has to be done advertising the fact that you do not have to be a J-Town Disc Golf Club member to participate in Handicap Leagues. 

3) J-Town logo on club merchandise
* The board went through a catalog of options for Club.  After much reasoning, the board compiled a list of what will be ordered.  Jason Poole will be placing the order and we will reevaluate sizes and colors as soon as we gather more feedback from the club.  We will make available as soon as possible all merchandise ordered.  Starting with a mix of Orange and Blue Shirts, Polos, Hooded Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, and Dry Fits with the JTown club logo.  These will be used to raise more funds for the club.     

4) Club Challenge vs. Fox Valley
* Thor Batchelor was appointed to captain the Club Challenge with Fox Valley Disc Golf Club on 11.19.11

* Thor was unable to make the meeting so details of the challenge were casually discussed as a backup plan in case things fell through with the appointed captain.

* As a backup it was decided Dave K will serve as a captain for J-Town.

5) Ice Bowl
Ice Bowl merchandise winnings from 2011 and what to do what them

* Thor has all the details from Icebowl.com so this topic will be moved to the next meeting.  It's understood that J-Town will have access to Ice Bowl merchandise for finishing in the top 10 of all 2011 Ice Bowl totals. 

6) Open Q&A

* Frank Grimes unveiled his 2012 Ice Bowl flier that Jesse Sanz and himself put together.  Work and preparation have already begun on what promises to be a great event for the entire J-Town Community.  Donations are already being sought and accepted.  Please contact Frank Grimes for any and all contributions.

Meeting Adjourned, 6:30
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 08:05:39 AM by pooleje »