Club Related > J-Town Disc Golf Club

Sanctioning Bag Tags

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I basically agree with Kevin. Saturday leagues are a casual round.  If you start adding the sanction aspect then it will become far more competitive and people will become rule sticklers.  Plus the main reason I come out even though I have sucked lately is that its at least a fun round.  If it is rated I will be less inclined to.

I like the lay back atmosphere of "just go out and throw" our group is having and it's encouraging many new players into the sport because of it, (It's freezing and we keep having big turn outs). I'm pretty neutral about making it sanction as it's just an option and not everyone has to do it but if players are going to do it we should group up the people who are sanction into the same squad/group when they play, that way everyone will be more serious.

Well said Jose!  You made some great points!


--- Quote from: discbrad on March 01, 2013, 12:43:19 PM ---I basically agree with Kevin. Saturday leagues are a casual round.  If you start adding the sanction aspect then it will become far more competitive and people will become rule sticklers.  Plus the main reason I come out even though I have sucked lately is that its at least a fun round.  If it is rated I will be less inclined to.

--- End quote ---
I can understand flipping your disc or disregarding some etiquette because you are amongst friends in a non-sanctioned environment.  Why would you want to play the game without following the rules, or being ignorant of the rules (oblivious)?  Especially, if you play in sanctioned tournaments throughout the year.  Bad habits equals inconsistent play.  I think the most abused rules are the 10-meter, foot faults, 30-seconds.  The Pros can be just as bad at abusing these as the amateurs.  10 meter: A player must demonstrate full control of balance behind their lie before advancing toward the hole within 32'-9 3/4" of the hole.  Everybody always ask if they are outside.  Sometimes its obvious.  Walk it off, and its not ten paces.  I know everybody's strides are different, but unless you're taking huge steps, its at least 11-12 paces.  A three foot stride is impressive.  It still would need to be at least 11 paces with a three foot stride.  Foot Faults: If you draw a line from the pole of the basket through the center of your disc/marker, this is where your supporting point needs to be within 30 centimeters (approx. 12").  Straight through on that line, not off to the side.  If you have your heel on that line, pivot when you throw, and lift up your heel before you release the disc; your supporting point is no longer in the line of play.  You are not allowed to come in contact with your marker.  You cannot be touching O.B. when you release the disc (you get a meter of relief perpendicular (90 degrees) from any O.B. line.  You cannot be touching off of the tee pad when you release the disc.  30 seconds: You have the right to mark your lie at anytime, of course, if you are not impeding the other players (potentially a courtesy violation).  A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed to each player to make a throw after:  1)the previous player has thrown, and 2)the player has taken a reasonable time to arrive at the disc and mark the lie, and 3)the playing area is clear and free of distractions.  Sorry, just wanted to state a few things for the people that do not know the rules.

There was only supposed to be a few things bold.  whoops


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