Thank you for your kind words, Frank!
I just, FINALLY, joined the group today (9-4-15), so never read anything on the forum before.
T-boning a big SUV takes a toll on a guy. And his wheels. RIP a great, Royal Enfield.
Got my speed down to about 25MPH before the face-plant.
You're right. Never saw me before he pulled in front of me. AND STOPPED !!!!!
I walked away with minimal injury. Little that seems to be long term.
Police and firefighters amazed to see me up and walking.
Expected to find a body when they saw the crumpled Enfield.
Walked to the ambulance unaided. Being a thick-headed Norwegian has its benefits....
Still awaiting an insurance settlement.
Would have climbed back in the saddle right away if my eye wasn't swollen shut.
And I didn't hurt all over.
And I had something to ride.
Should be back in the saddle in a few weeks.