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J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: January 16, 2017, 08:42:44 AM »

McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431

Meeting called to order: _5:22 pm______


Members Present:

Dean Bingham

Sean Callahan

Jason Poole

Steve Rachan



1. Financials (see attached)

● 25 Members

● $1203.94 available for course projects



2. Greater Joliet Bag Tags (Saturdays)

· Avg 18 per week

· First half report has been turned in to the PDGA and paid

· Second half to run through 3/11/17 (10 weeks)

· Optional sanctioned round at the J-Town Ice Bowl as part of the league



3. 2017 J-Town Ice Bowl

·  2/18/17 TD Steve Rachan

· Flyers will be similar to last year:  $5 for pizza, each person must bring two non-perishable good items/$5 to be donated to the Salvation Army, doubles first round and singles second round

· Salvation Army will be our charity


4. Member Reward Program

·  See attached stats



5. 2017 Club Invitational

·  4/8/17 at Lemon Lake

· Sean was going to contact Ryan Fancher about making club T-shirts




6. Course Projects





7. Open Q&A


J Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 45

Meeting adjourned, _5:50 pm______

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: March 24, 2016, 09:37:57 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 40
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:07 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   82 Members
●   $1250 available for course projects
●   Approved 4-0

2) Saturday Bag Tags
•   Second session complete and PDGA reporting complete
•   $222 Ace pot to roll over to next fall

3) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   $2736 Raised and paid to The Salvation Army
•   72 players

4) Discontinuum Club Challenge
•   4/9/16, Lemon Lake
•   3 Divisions (945+, 900-944, 899-)
•   Captain: Dave Kociuba, Co: Dean Bingham
•   14 players per division (11 based on rating, 3 captain picks)
•   Club will cover any entry fees/gate fees for J-Town Players
•   Club will donate 3 discs and 3 memberships

5) Handicap League
•   3 Sanctioned seasons (4/5-5/31, 6/7-7/26, 8/2-9/27)
•   First season has been paid.
•   Jason Poole TD, Brad McCarthy Asst.

6) Elections
•   Nominations: 3/14/16-4/8/16
a.   President:  Dave Kociuba (A), Jesse Saenz (?)
b.   Vice President:  Steve Rachan (A)
c.   Treasurer:  Jason Poole (A)
d.   Secretary:  Dean Bingham (A)
e.   Member Advocate:  Shawn McCarthy (A), Sean Callahan (?)
•   Voting:  4/19/16-5/9/16
•   Ballets to be counted at the 5/9/16 Club Meeting
•   Officers take their positions on 6/1/16

7) Open Q&A
a. 3/26/16 Basket Swap at Highland #15-#12 8:00 AM
b. Organizing for concrete tee pad #16 at Highland for sometime in April
c. Club will order another batch of carabineers
d. Up to $500 Allowance for Highland Clean-up, Approved 4-0

Meeting adjourned, 5:52 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: March 24, 2016, 08:42:54 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 39
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   15 Members
●   $1188.77 available for course projects
●   Approved 5-0

2) Saturday Bag Tags
•   First session complete and PDGA reporting complete
•   Second session to run from 1/9/16 to 3/12/16
•   Optional sanctioned first round at the Ice Bowl

3) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   2/20, Trinity Links, Dave K TD, Jason Poole Asst TD
•   Bring your own partner double, rd 1 short tees combined score, rd 2 short tee best shot doubles
•   Charity: The Salvation Army

4) Bag Raffle benefiting the Dan O memorial fund
•   Raised $305

5) Member Reward Program
•   See attached stats
•   Changed reward wording to reflect new membership pricing “Free J-Town Disc Golf Club Membership” has been changed to “$15 off next year’s J-Town Disc Golf Club Membership”

6) Course Projects
•   Shawn McCarthy

7) Open Q&A
a. PDGA Affiliate discount code: 16JTOWNTVSAFF
b. 2015 Member of the Year Award

Meeting adjourned, 6:15 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: March 14, 2016, 01:07:07 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 38
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:10 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   109 Members
●   $1,150.44 available for course projects
●   Approved 3-0

2) Handicap League Awards
•   $140 to prizes, $100 to party, ~$11 for engraving
•   Still awaiting final price for plaques.

3) Saturday Bag Tags
•   Avg 12 per week

4) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   2/20/16 Trinity Links
•   TD- Dave Kociuba
•   Charity- Salvation Army

5) Dan O Bag Raffle
•   To be discussed at our next meeting.

6) Member Advocate Election
•   Shawn McCarthy accepted his nomination and is running unopposed.

7) Open Q&A
•   Logo use and approval: Ropes at the Oaks 3-0, IL State 3-0, Channahon Classic 3-0

Meeting adjourned, 5:23 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:35:15 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 37
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order:  4:58 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

   1) Financials
•   105 Members
•   Adjusted payments for all club supplies to come from the club supply fund with an annual transfer from the general fund to cover any shortfall.
•   Adjusted payments for sanctioning/PDGA fees to come from the sanctioning fund with an annual transfer from the general fund to cover any shortfall.
•   $1109.44 available for course projects
•   Approved

2) Handicap League
a.   2015
•   Avg 8 players per week
b.   Awards
•   Use general fund to cover 3 plaques
•   Budget $49 Party, $10 Perpetual, $140 Prizes (60/45/35)

3) Saturday Tags
•   Oct-Dec

4) Ice Bowl
a.   2015 Prize
•   Ranger Bag will be raffled at J-Town Fest ($5/ticket) to benefit the Dan Osysko Memorial Fund.
a.   2016
•   February, non-sanctioned
•   Trinity:  Bring your own partner, First round singles, Second round best shot
•   Cash payouts for all divisions

   5.) 2016 Bag Tags
a.   Order
•   150 Tags (1-149, extra 1), $1.75 each
•   $15.50 Shipping
b.   Distribution
•   1/2/16 Bag Tags
c.   Membership Pricing
•   $10 Tag and caribeener
•   $18 Tag, carabeener, and Disc ($10 Club, $8 Ice Bowl)
•   Free Membership for Rewards Program = $15 off $18 membership, then $3 will go to Ice Bowl donations.

   6.) Member Advocate Election
•   Nomination Period 9/14/15-9/28/15
•   Election Period 9/29/15-11/9/15
•   Nominees: Shawn McCarthy, Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac, Scott Carroll, Aris Pashos, Mick McGowan, Ryan Fancher

   7.) Open Q&A
•   Red Tee Pads at Highland
•   Steve Rachan will donate $350
•   Research pricing on pvc caps, valve boxes, etc. to cover unused sleeves

Meeting Adjourned, 6:18 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: May 14, 2015, 07:07:25 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 35
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order: 5:20 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Frank Grimes
Shawn McCarthy
Steve Rachan
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   90 Members
●   $679.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   Handicap League
●   1st session averaging 11 players / week
●   2nd session has been sanctioned to run from 6/2-7/28
●   3rd session will be from 8/4-9/29

3)   Discontinuum Club Challenge Recap
●   J-Town was represented by 26 players (14 upper, 12 lower)
●   1st Rnd 1st Overall (Uppers 1st, Lowers 2nd)
●   2nd Rnd 2nd Overall (Uppers 2nd, Lowers 2nd)
●   2nd Overall (Uppers 1st, Lowers 2nd)
●   Full points, and ratings for J-Town players are posted on the JTownDiscGolf.com message board.

4)   Course Project- Highland Park Basket Upgrade
●   Need additional 16 Sleeves ($17 Each+s/h, $296.26 Total)
●   Vote passes 4-0

5)   J-Town Club Invitational
●   Renting the pavilion at The Canyons will be $100+
●   Highland Park could be an option pending park approval.
●   Vote to move event to Highland passes 4-0

6)   Trilogy Challenge
●   6/6/15 Trinity Links

7)   Election
●   Dave Kociuba- President, unopposed
●   Jason Poole- Treasurer, unopposed
●   Dean Bingham- Secretary, unopposed
●   Need to have a special election for Vice President and Member Advocate
●   4/11/15-5/25/15 for nominations and acceptance
●   Jeremiah Bly-Member Advocate
●   Steve Rachan-Vice President
●   5/26/15-6/9/15 for voting

8 )    Open Q&A
•   Nothing presented.

Meeting adjourned, 6:00 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:47:30 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 34
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431
Meeting called to order: 5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Kristi McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Mike Flynn

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   59 Members
●   $1141.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   Bag Tags
●   Winter League report has been submitted and paid.
●   Jason will donate the Plaques to the top finishers
●   No Bag Tags until the fall unless someone is willing to run them
●   $214 Ace pot to roll into Handicap League

3)   Handicap League
●   1st session has been sanctioned to run from 3/31-5/26
●   2nd session will be from 6/2-7/28
●   3rd session will be from 8/4-9/29

4)   Ledgestone Insurance Open Sponsorship
●   Vote Fails 2-2

5)   Trilogy Challenge
●   To be discussed at a future meeting.

6)   Facebook Management
●    Dave K. will be assuming responsibilities of the Club’s Facebook and social media

7)   2015 Ice Bowl Recap
●   37 Players
●   Approx. $6,000 Donated
●   89 lbs of Food Donated
●   2016 may bring a new format for J-Town’s Ice Bowl

8 )   Discontinuum Club Challenge
●   4/4/15 at Lemon Lake
●   Dave Kociuba will be Captain for J-Town
●   J-Town will cover any entry fees/gate fees for J-Town Players
●   13 players per division, 10 selected by rating, 3 by captains pick

9)   Elections
a.   Timeline
●   Nominations open 3/9/15-4/13/15
●   Voting open 4/14/15-5/11/15
●   Ballets to be counted and made official at the 5/11/15 meeting.
●   Officers take their positions on 6/1/15

b.   Nominations
●   President:  Dave Kocuiba (accepted)
●   Vice President:  Frank Grimes, Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac
●   Treasurer:  Jason Poole (accepted)
●   Secretary:  Dean Bingham (accepted)
●   Member Advocate:  Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac

10)    Open Q&A
•   Mike Flynn Proposal:  Renting a chipper for Highland
•   $500 allowance + 10% cushion, approved 4-0
•   Mike will follow-up with more info and dates

Meeting adjourned, 6:00 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:59:32 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 33
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431
Meeting called to order: 5:05 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Jeremiah Bly
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Kristi McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   31 Members
●   $1072.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   PDGA Affiliate Club
●   Signed up for 2015 ($25)
●   $5 off for PDGA membership using code: 15JTOWNAFF
●   Continue? Voted Yes 5-0

3)   Tournament J-Town Logo Use
a.   Ropes
o   Approved 5-0
b.   IL State Championships
o   Approved 5-0
c.   Channahon Classic
o   Approved 5-0

4)   Club Invitational
●   Secured July 11th with the State Coordinator.
●   Dellwood pending park approval.

5)   Member Rewards
●   Summary attached

6)   Saturday Bag Tags
●   Continuing through 3/7 as a sanctioned league with points based on handicap scoring.
●   Jason Poole donated the plaques for the 2014 Winter Handicap

7)   2015 Ice Bowl
●   TD: Dave K,  ATD: Jason Poole
●   Frank got the OK to use the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church parking lot.
●   Trinity Links, 2/7/14
●   There will be many great raffle items, and there will be 5 J-Town merchandise CTPs for club members

8 )   Open Q&A
●   2013-14 Bag Tags Ace Pot, Voted to donate 3-0-2
●   The J-Town Disc Golf Club Member of the Year will be announced at the Ice Bowl

Meeting adjourned, 6:40 PM

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Meeting Minutes
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:14:04 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 30
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order:  5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Jerimiah Bly
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Jason Poole
Shawn McCarthy

1) Financials (see attached)
•   61 Members (56 PDGA Members)
•   $837.34 Available for course projects.
•   $57 added to Club Supply fund from the Ropes at the Oaks supply rental. Balance $95.63.

2) Handicap Singles League
•   Average of 13 players per week in second session (13 sanctioned).
•   Third session has been sanctioned to run from 8/5-9/30 (9 weeks).
3) J-Town Invitational
•   Date changed to 8/23, Jason Poole-TD, ?-Assistant TD, Dellwood park.
•   Kelly Murray has agreed to do paintings as trophies for us again this year.

4) Club Inventory
•    See attached

5) Club Baskets
•   Basket borrowing rules:
o   Members may borrow baskets free of charge provided they are returned in the same condition they are received.
o   Member must have a signed contract on file before being allowed to borrow a basket.
o   Borrower is responsible for the pick-up and return.
o   Event requests take priority over personal use.
o   Borrower will be allowed a 2 week minimum before the next personal request is fulfilled.
•   Rules adopted 5-0.

6) Open Q&A
•    Discount J-Town SuperColor Buzzz to $10, adjust split to 100% ice bowl fundraising.

Meeting adjourned, 5:38 PM

Courses / Re: West Park
« on: May 15, 2014, 09:19:24 AM »
How about a reconfiguration and multiple pin positions; that can change the flow to help the erosion problem?  I know this course is historic, but how long are we going to avoid the real problem?  Highland has the same issue…traffic with elevation.  Channahon and Trinity have been evolving, hopefully, we can move to more pin placements in the future.  Look at the surrounding states.  How many championship caliber courses do they have compared to ours?  There tends to be a "deuce or die" mentality here.  We have plenty of courses to cater to the amateurs, how about changing a few to challenge the rest of us.  Some can be changed to satisfy both.

J-Town Ice Bowl / Re: J-Town Ice Bowl Total 2014
« on: March 24, 2014, 06:52:28 PM »
Atta boy Frankie and J-Town!

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Sanctioning Bag Tags
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:21:44 AM »
There was only supposed to be a few things bold.  whoops

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Sanctioning Bag Tags
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:15:39 AM »
I basically agree with Kevin. Saturday leagues are a casual round.  If you start adding the sanction aspect then it will become far more competitive and people will become rule sticklers.  Plus the main reason I come out even though I have sucked lately is that its at least a fun round.  If it is rated I will be less inclined to.
I can understand flipping your disc or disregarding some etiquette because you are amongst friends in a non-sanctioned environment.  Why would you want to play the game without following the rules, or being ignorant of the rules (oblivious)?  Especially, if you play in sanctioned tournaments throughout the year.  Bad habits equals inconsistent play.  I think the most abused rules are the 10-meter, foot faults, 30-seconds.  The Pros can be just as bad at abusing these as the amateurs.  10 meter: A player must demonstrate full control of balance behind their lie before advancing toward the hole within 32'-9 3/4" of the hole.  Everybody always ask if they are outside.  Sometimes its obvious.  Walk it off, and its not ten paces.  I know everybody's strides are different, but unless you're taking huge steps, its at least 11-12 paces.  A three foot stride is impressive.  It still would need to be at least 11 paces with a three foot stride.  Foot Faults: If you draw a line from the pole of the basket through the center of your disc/marker, this is where your supporting point needs to be within 30 centimeters (approx. 12").  Straight through on that line, not off to the side.  If you have your heel on that line, pivot when you throw, and lift up your heel before you release the disc; your supporting point is no longer in the line of play.  You are not allowed to come in contact with your marker.  You cannot be touching O.B. when you release the disc (you get a meter of relief perpendicular (90 degrees) from any O.B. line.  You cannot be touching off of the tee pad when you release the disc.  30 seconds: You have the right to mark your lie at anytime, of course, if you are not impeding the other players (potentially a courtesy violation).  A maximum of 30 seconds is allowed to each player to make a throw after:  1)the previous player has thrown, and 2)the player has taken a reasonable time to arrive at the disc and mark the lie, and 3)the playing area is clear and free of distractions.  Sorry, just wanted to state a few things for the people that do not know the rules.

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Sanctioning Bag Tags
« on: February 28, 2013, 03:29:14 PM »
Don't be intimidated or confused by the handicap league.  Bag tags are sorted with your scratch score (your true score without a handicap).  The sanctioned rounds are, also, submitted with your scratch score.  The payouts are determined by your handicap score.  The league is available for players that want to get the experience of singles play, as you would in a tournament.  The handicap is similar to a bowling league.  This allows more people to compete against each other without worrying about not having enough in your division.  I believe it makes you a better player.  Some think that it is not fair, but if you play frequently, it all evens-out in the end.  Handicap system is designed to keep it fair.  If people want to sandbag, then they are just giving their money away, and good luck making it beneficial for the entire season.

J-Town Disc Golf Club / Re: Sanctioning Bag Tags
« on: February 28, 2013, 03:02:46 PM »
Tuesday is a handicap league.  There wasn't anything said about Saturday being a handicap, just sanctioned.  I imagine you'll have the option for sanctioning.  You are given the option on Tuesday's. I do not have preference.  Not a big deal to me.

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