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J-Town Disc Golf: Heartbreak in the Heartland

Author Topic: Heartbreak in the Heartland  (Read 3566 times)


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Heartbreak in the Heartland
« on: May 23, 2013, 01:02:28 PM »
In the wake of the terrible weather related tragedy that occurred earlier this week in Moore Oklahoma, the PDGA would like to offer our most sincere condolences to any and all affected by this historic deadly storm.

The Little River Disc Golf Course was in the direct path of the tornado and suffered catastrophic damage as a result. The businesses and homes that surrounded the park are gone as well. We are all sure there is much work to do in the weeks and months ahead as the citizens of Moore rebuilds following this tragic event.

The PDGA is pleased to announce, as part of a joint effort with Innova Disc Golf and Team Twisted Flyer, that we are pledging our support to help rebuild the disc golf course in Moore. “It is important that the citizens of Moore, Oklahoma have a place where they can recreate as they go through this long rebuilding and healing process. Disc golf will provide them with this outlet and we are pleased to help them in any way that we can”, stated PDGA Executive Director, Brian Graham.

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Jesse Saenz Jr.