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J-Town Disc Golf: 24th Channahon Classic

Author Topic: 24th Channahon Classic  (Read 12117 times)


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Re: 24th Channahon Classic
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 08:07:11 PM »
24th Channahon Classic
September 24 & 25, 2011
Community Park, Channahon
61 players Saturday
58 players Sunday
Thanks to everyone who came out.

Saturday was mostly cloudy with a little 5 min sprinkle. The rain completely missed and went around us. Temp was in the low 60s & perfect for disc golf.
Sunday was mostly cloudy with some misty rain in the morning. It cleared up quickly and the sun came out. Again the rain completely missed and went around us. Temp was in the mid 60s & perfect for disc golf.

It took another huge effort by a lot of people to keep the Classic going. Thank you all and because of your hard work and determination will were able to pull off this great tournament.

I'll try not to leave anyone out.
We couldn’t have done it without your generous contribution and support!

Frank Grimes - The hardest physically working man in the sport. The course is a work of art!
Gary Lewis - The Backbone!
Joliet Cabinet Co. - Dale DelSasso - www.jolietcabinet.com
Air1Wireless - Dave Bender, Ray Hill - www.air1wireless.com
J-Town Disc Golf Doubles League - Darrin Johnson & Jesse Saenz - Everybody that pays and plays in the CTPs
Joliet Area Doubles League - Mike Holmquist, Mick McGowan & John Carbonaro - Everybody that pays and plays in the CTPs
Mike Kursell - The Artist
Jason Poole - Computer Genius - wwwjtowndiscgolf.com
Innova Champion Discs - www.innovadiscs.com
Channahon Park District - Ellen Maciuba
Fast Printing Of Joliet - www.fastprintingofjoliet.com
Rob Martis
West Park Flyers
J-Town Disc Golf Club
Saenz Family

Nina Lennon - She sang two beautiful renditions of our
National Anthem that inspired & touched us all.
She reminded us of how proud we
are to be an AMERICAN and how
BLESSED we are to be FREE.
A tribute to all the 9-11 victims and all our troops
who fought and are fighting for our freedom.

Gary Lewis
Phil Corrigan
Paul McCallister
Jason Poole
Mike Kursell
Dale DelSasso
Thor Batchelor
Roy Carey
Darrin Johnson
Jesse Saenz

Roy Carey

Shawn Harmon
Roy Bazan
There are many other who helped on the course. Frank can you help me out and put their names up.

JoAnne Saenz
Carolina Saenz
Julie Szczepanik
Chango Saenz
Charlie Stamm

SUNDAY - http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/74251
See You Next Year,
First I had to chuckle at the physical part of work. It reminded me of my framing days, a lot of thinking goes into framing a house. Physical is certaintly a part, but you need to have a good mind. I eat, sleep, drink Channahon & then I apply it. I mentioned in other post the brain storming that goes on. Thanks for the nice words Jesse.

Now about the help it, I tried throughout the year to post thanks. There was a Saturday morning that we picked up four trees from Green Glen. Thor was a big part of that because he had the trailer, & Randy Brummer picked them up. Carbo helped a few morning in the spring with tree rings. Keep in mind it's special when I ask for help. I had help one year painting the 10 meter circles, never again will I ask for help doing that without watching. Although many of the details are not noticed the overall picture looks good. As an example I dead headed the black eyed susan & cone flowers on #8's tee & pulled weeds. I know I mentioned this on another post, Shawn Harmon hauled the bed edger for me. Much is really not noticed, like pruning the paths for a natural canopy, or killing the broad leafs inside the 10 meter circle. Like I said eat, sleep, & drink, & next year starts next week. I really try to give kudos, but things are a blur & I forget. 
Soooo, Thor, Randy, & Carbo gave of their time. Kevin Macuiba with watering the new sod & seed, he's a park employee. I also need to mention Brian let me use the cart, after park hours, so I was able to spread chips until dark.
One Day at a Time!
Don't stop believin'


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Re: 24th Channahon Classic
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 08:27:49 PM »
Thanks Jesse for running another smooth Classic. Nice getting home at 4:30. Jason rocks on getting scores up fast and tag distribution. Thanks to Thor and Darrin for check in and the awesome ladies who served lunch. Hall of Famer had some great merch and payouts as usual, Thanks Gary. And Thanks to everyone I forgot to mention who made this happen. Last but not least, Thank You Frank Grimes for giving all of us Disc Golfers a paradise to play in! Your endless hard work and the money you pour into Channy is very much appreciated.
You always have my back & that's precious to me, Thanks!!! I putting Oswego in my thought process & I'm going to need your help. Can you manage without yelling at me, or raising your voice?  OK, that's a deal!

I don't know where to post what a super job you & your crew did Jesse! Just superb!!! Gary is the icon!
One Day at a Time!
Don't stop believin'


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Re: 24th Channahon Classic
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2011, 09:05:53 PM »
24th Channahon Classic
September 24 & 25, 2011
Community Park, Channahon
61 players Saturday
58 players Sunday
Thanks to everyone who came out.

Saturday was mostly cloudy with a little 5 min sprinkle. The rain completely missed and went around us. Temp was in the low 60s & perfect for disc golf.
Sunday was mostly cloudy with some misty rain in the morning. It cleared up quickly and the sun came out. Again the rain completely missed and went around us. Temp was in the mid 60s & perfect for disc golf.

It took another huge effort by a lot of people to keep the Classic going. Thank you all and because of your hard work and determination will were able to pull off this great tournament.

I'll try not to leave anyone out.
We couldn’t have done it without your generous contribution and support!

Frank Grimes - The hardest physically working man in the sport. The course is a work of art!
Gary Lewis - The Backbone!
Joliet Cabinet Co. - Dale DelSasso - www.jolietcabinet.com
Air1Wireless - Dave Bender, Ray Hill - www.air1wireless.com
J-Town Disc Golf Doubles League - Darrin Johnson & Jesse Saenz - Everybody that pays and plays in the CTPs
Joliet Area Doubles League - Mike Holmquist, Mick McGowan & John Carbonaro - Everybody that pays and plays in the CTPs
Mike Kursell - The Artist
Jason Poole - Computer Genius - wwwjtowndiscgolf.com
Innova Champion Discs - www.innovadiscs.com
Channahon Park District - Ellen Maciuba
Fast Printing Of Joliet - www.fastprintingofjoliet.com
Rob Martis
West Park Flyers
J-Town Disc Golf Club
Saenz Family

Nina Lennon - She sang two beautiful renditions of our
National Anthem that inspired & touched us all.
She reminded us of how proud we
are to be an AMERICAN and how
BLESSED we are to be FREE.
A tribute to all the 9-11 victims and all our troops
who fought and are fighting for our freedom.

Gary Lewis
Phil Corrigan
Paul McCallister
Jason Poole
Mike Kursell
Dale DelSasso
Thor Batchelor
Roy Carey
Darrin Johnson
Jesse Saenz

Roy Carey

Shawn Harmon
Roy Bazan
There are many other who helped on the course. Frank can you help me out and put their names up.

JoAnne Saenz
Carolina Saenz
Julie Szczepanik
Chango Saenz
Charlie Stamm

SUNDAY - http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/74251
See You Next Year,
Nina is thrilled with her plaque. Also thrilled with the reception for her singing. I thought it was very cool to sing our National Anthem before play. Good choice Jesse.
One Day at a Time!
Don't stop believin'


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Re: 24th Channahon Classic
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2011, 09:09:52 AM »
Nina's renditions were perfect. What a great way to start the morning. I think it got people feeling good before they started playing. I know it got the whole staff pumped up.
Jesse Saenz Jr.