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J-Town Disc Golf: What Great Day / Week

Author Topic: What Great Day / Week  (Read 3198 times)


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What Great Day / Week
« on: February 05, 2011, 07:18:26 PM »
If you've been following the posts this week, you will also have  noticed the people that helped. I want to add what a pleasure it was today. The work my fellow board members was outstanding!
I also want to make note of the respect Terri said she got from the disc golfers.
The Herald News was out today. The Sunday paper reaches 39,000. town was in there a few weeks ago. I think Dean was responsible for that. If it's put in it's more exposure & good PR. Just think about our club is helping an organization that has been in Joliet for over 100 years. They get a huge donations from the community & we're part of that. Our club will be noticed for doing such a good thing.
This was a rough week with 20" of snow & we rose to the occasion. The J-Town board put the frosting on the cake.
Thanks everyone, it's a good thing we did.

PS The scores were up before most left the parking lot.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 07:36:20 PM by Frankie »
One Day at a Time!
Don't stop believin'


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Re: What Great Day / Week
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 09:24:51 PM »
If you've been following the posts this week, you will also have noticed the people that helped. I want to add what a pleasure it was today. The work my fellow board members was outstanding!
I also want to make note of the respect Terri said she got from the disc golfers.
The Herald News was out today. The Sunday paper reaches 39,000. town was in there a few weeks ago. I think Dean was responsible for that. If it's put in it's more exposure & good PR. Just think about our club is helping an organization that has been in Joliet for over 100 years. They get a huge donations from the community & we're part of that. Our club will be noticed for doing such a good thing.
This was a rough week with 20" of snow & we rose to the occasion. The J-Town board put the frosting on the cake.
Thanks everyone, it's a good thing we did.

PS The scores were up before most left the parking lot.
I want to add something. I realize I'm not the most clear glass to read through when reading my posts. You in our disc golf community are my friends. It hurts me when I hear the negative comments about my friends. They're disrespectful, vandalise, just pieces of shit! They're talking about my friends & that hurts me!  This may be one of these fuzzy messages.
I went to the park Friday asking permission to plow. They saw the crew that came out Thursday to shovel the tees. This was the first time I heard a tone of respect & positive regard about disc golfers. We did what we had to do to make this tournament happen & the park took notice.
We're helping The Mission, that's been around for over a hundred years, & people take note. Many donations I got already give on a monthly basis. They believe in the Mission that they gave more. It's win, win, if you played good, bought raffle tickets, better, & if you sponsored best.
Keep in mind, I have a lot of disc golf friends, & I don't like them talking shit about them.
One Day at a Time!
Don't stop believin'