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J-Town Disc Golf: The 4th Annual Friends of Homie Tournament

Author Topic: The 4th Annual Friends of Homie Tournament  (Read 3047 times)


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The 4th Annual Friends of Homie Tournament
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:33:03 AM »
To: All disc golf addicts, players, lovers, and all of the rest of you…
From: The Red Roc Disc Golf Club
   You are invited to come out and spend the day enjoying food, beers, ales, stouts, music, and of course remembering a friend in a way that would make him smile. This is an old school Red Roc cash in/cash out event. All moneys taken in will be paid out.
   Ladies and Gentlemen…We give you…
The 4th Annual Friends of Homie Tournament
         2 Rounds of 24 @ the newly redesigned Hidden Lake
            Sunday October 18, 2015
Bring your own partner Doubles
All Am Divisions $30
All Open Divisions $40
CTP/Ace Funds
Mulligans $5 (1 per player per round)
CTP’s on all holes!!!!!
    Registration 8-9…
Players Meeting 9a.m…
Tee off @ 9:30.
   Any questions, comments, or if you wish to volunteer please call Brian Cummings (219) 712-6210 or Chris Diamond (219) 682-6077. Please leave name, #, and message on voicemail and we shall return your call A.S.A.P.

                           See You There,
                           The Red Rocs

Jesse Saenz Jr.