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Author Topic: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p  (Read 16979 times)

Aces and Chains

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2013, 02:50:36 PM »
Points totals:

Clayton   Drake   7
Bobby   Johnson   5
John   Boyd   3
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1

Dan   Wisemantle   7
Mike   Noe   4
AJ   Banaski   3
Patrick   Johnson   2
Dan   Czempinski   2
Rico   Lopez   2
Jeff   Kinsella   2
Steve   Rachan   2
John   Simon   1
Luigi   Noe   1
Chris   McCabe   1
Nick   Clancy   1
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1

Next Friday, Oct 4th, we are at Channahon again. Registration 6:30-6:45, Tee off at 7p sharp!
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2013, 03:38:27 PM »
Come on out this Friday, Oct 4th to Channahon. Truly a great course for glow golf. We'll be starting registration at 6:30 and teeing off at 7p sharp again. Hope to see you there.

Round Barn Farm has been added to the schedule. We'll play to the Red baskets on every hole except for 3,4, & 5. The first week, we'll play to the silver baskets on 3,4 & 5. The second week, Am's will play to the red basket on 3, and silver baskets on 4 and 5, while the Pros will play to the red baskets on all three. We'll alternate between those two setups each week we play RBF.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 03:44:28 PM by Aces and Chains »
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2013, 02:32:05 PM »
Oct 4th results:

Another great night for glow golf. A very warm day, and it only cooled down to 70 degrees by the end of the night. The rain held off and the course still looked great from all the prep work that was done for the Channahon Classic. Thanks again to all the volunteers at the Channahon Classic for all your hard work.

We had 9 players come out, 4 Pro/Adv players and 5 Ams.

Pro/Adv: Clayton took the field with a smoking round of 47 (-5) and claimed the CTP on hole 4 for a total of $23 and 4 points, giving him a comfortable lead in the Pro/Adv division. Second place goes to John Boyd with great round of 51 (-3) for $5 and 3 points added to his total. That puts him solidly in 3rd place, only one point down from 2nd. Bobby Johnson and Kevin Macuiba both shot a 56, but Kevin didn't stick around for the playoff, so Bobby got the 2 points by default. That puts him in second, with John breathing down his neck.

Ams: AJ Banaski shot a blistering Am round of 53 (-1) to take first place in Ams. AJ walked off with $18 and 4 more much needed points to add to his total, allowing him to catch up with Dan Wisemantle and tie him for first place in points. Second place went to Jeff Kinsella with a nice round of 58 (+4) for $7 and 3 more points to his total. Jeff moves up to third all alone in points. John Simon and Patrick Johnson tied for third with rounds of 60 (+6), with Patrick taking the CTP playoff on hole 1 for an extra 2 points added to his total, leaving him tied for 4th place with Mike Noe. Patrick also took the CTP on hole 1 during the round for $10.

Current points:

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   11
Bobby   Johnson   7
John   Boyd   6
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Dan   Wisemantle   7
AJ   Banaski   7
Jeff   Kinsella   5
Mike   Noe   4
Patrick   Johnson   4
Dan   Czempinski   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Steve   Rachan   2
John   Simon   2
Luigi   Noe   1
Chris   McCabe   1
Nick   Clancy   1
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1

PDGA sanctioned results can be found at: http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/107560/422196817

Remember, you can always elect to make your round rated or unrated as long as you specify before the round starts.

Next week is at Channahon again. Registration starts at 6:00, and Tee off is at 6:30p. Come on out and bring your friends! Hope to see you there.
Aces and Chains - Get you some!


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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2013, 09:48:11 AM »
This is the list of volunteers that helped on the course, with the Classic.
Frank Grimes, Shawn McCarthy, Aaron Studer, Tim Murray Kevin Macuiba, Brian McCarthy, Josh Henderson, & Kelly Murray.
Thanks for the help, it was huge!!!
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Aces and Chains

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2013, 12:31:45 PM »
Another great night for glow golf. Results are up on the PDGA site for those who elected to have their round rated.

Current points totals:

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   15
John   Boyd   9
Bobby   Johnson   7
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Dan   Wisemantle   10
Mike   Noe   8
AJ   Banaski   7
Jeff   Kinsella   6
Patrick   Johnson   5
Dan   Czempinski   3
Luigi   Noe   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Steve   Rachan   2
John   Simon   2
Chris   McCabe   1
Nick   Clancy   1
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1

This week is at Round Barn Farm in Manhattan! Registration at 6-6:15 and tee off at 6:30p. We will be playing to the red baskets on all holes except 3, 4, and 5, where we will play the silver baskets (around the water). Hope to see you all out there for the first league glow night at RBF! - Bring your friends!
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2013, 02:10:02 PM »
We had a great turnout this week at Round Barn Farm with a total of 16 players for a night of glow golf. Started out a little bit chilly, but never got below 50 degrees. Rain held off, and we had a great night for golf.

Pro/Adv: Only two players in Pro/Adv this week, so we combined the field for payouts, while still keeping the points separate for each division. We also split up the CTPs, with one CTP for Ams only, and one for everyone. This gave the Pros a chance at a $16 CTP, instead of just a $4 CTP. Clayton Drake padded his lead with 4 more points by shooting a nice round of 48 (-6). He won $35 for first place overall, plus took the CTP on hole 9 for another $16. Bobby Johnson took second place with a 52 (-2) and added 3 more points to his total. He won the CTP playoff against Dan Wisemantle for the overall cash for 4th place and took home $8.

Ams: Thanks to all the Am players who showed up. 14 Am players for the night! Anthony Noe took first place in Ams, and second place overall with a great round of 50 (-4). Anthony took home $22, and got 4 points in his first outing at league. Luigi Noe shot a 51 (-3) for second place in Ams, and third overall for $15 and 3 more points added to his total. Third place went to Dan Wisemantle with a round of 52 (-2), adding 2 more points tohis total. Dan lost the CTP playoff for 4th place overall against Bobby Johnson, but continues to play consistently and add to his lead. He now leads the entire AM field by 3+ points. Mike Noe won the CTP on hole 1 for $16.

League points:


Clayton   Drake   19
Bobby   Johnson   10
John   Boyd   9
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1


Dan   Wisemantle   12
Mike   Noe   9
AJ   Banaski   8
Jeff   Kinsella   6
Patrick   Johnson   6
Luigi   Noe   6
Anthony   Noe   4
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Nick   Clancy   2
Chris   McCabe   1
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Shaun   Egner   1
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Aces and Chains

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2013, 02:11:23 PM »
For those of you who wanted your rounds rated, results can be found here:

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Aces and Chains

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2013, 04:57:28 PM »
12 player turn out on a night that started about 50 degrees out, and got windier as it went. As always, Channahon looked great.

Pros/Adv: 3 player field in the Pro's meant we put them in the overall money pool, but kept the points and CTPs separate. There was a tie for 3rd place overall at 52 between Clayton, Bobby, and Mike Noe. Mike won the CTP. Clayton was second closest, to win the Pro/Adv field, for 4th place overall worth $5, and taking home another 4 points to add onto his total. He also got the Pro CTP for $6. Making Bobby 2nd place Pro/Adv for 3 more points. John took 3rd place for 2 more points.

Ams: The Ams had a great night, taking 1st - Luigi Noe with a blistering 48, 2nd - Anthony Noe with a great 50, and 3rd - Mike Noe, after winning the CTP playoff for 3rd with a nice 52. They won $30, $18, and $12 respectively. Luigi also won the AM CTP for $18. Nice night for Luigi with a total winnings of $48!

PDGA league ratings can be seen here: http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/107560/608717122

Next week is Channahon with the Pro/Adv field playing the longs, and the Ams playing the shorts. Registration at 6:00-6:15 and Tee off at 6:30p

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   23
Bobby   Johnson   13
John   Boyd   11
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Dan   Wisemantle   13
Mike   Noe   11
Luigi   Noe   10
AJ   Banaski   9
Patrick   Johnson   7
Anthony   Noe   7
Jeff   Kinsella   6
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Nick   Clancy   2
Chris   McCabe   2
Shaun   Egner   2
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Connor   Chwaszczewski   1
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Aces and Chains

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2013, 01:03:42 PM »
Nov 1st - Not the greatest night for disc golf. Started out at about 50 degrees, with a light drizzle, which continued thru the round. Ended at about 48 degrees. We had 7 hearty souls come out to play.

Pro/Adv: 2 players, Clayton Drake and Bobby Johnson. Bobby won with a nice round of -3 (51) to take home $20 and add 4 points onto his total. It's looking doubtful that anyone can catch Clayton though. Clayton took second and took home $10 and 3 more points to pad his lead.

AMs: 5 players. Luigi had another great night, shooting a -2 and taking 3rd overall for $5 and 1st in Ams for 4 more points to add to his total. Dan Wisemantle continues his consistent run with a 2nd place finish in the Ams for 3 more points to add to his total. Mike Noe took 3rd place in Ams for 2 more points to add to his total. The race for top spot in Ams is very tight. Only 3 points separate 1st thru 3rd. With three weeks left, it's still anyone's game. Cody Schmook came out for the first time and beat everyone out for the CTP to take home $14.

PDGA rated rounds can be seen here: http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/107560/1911034086

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   26
Bobby   Johnson   17
John   Boyd   11
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Dan   Wisemantle   16
Luigi   Noe   14
Mike   Noe   13
AJ   Banaski   9
Patrick   Johnson   7
Anthony   Noe   7
Jeff   Kinsella   6
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Chris   McCabe   3
Nick   Clancy   2
Rico   Lopez   2
Shaun   Egner   2
Chris   Greenfeul   1
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Connor   Chwaszczewski   1
Cody   Schmook   1
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 01:05:47 PM by Aces and Chains »
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2013, 03:45:45 PM »
What a night for disc golf eh? 11 hearty souls turned out to play in 22mph winds! The wind didn't let up thru the whole round. It started out in the upper 40s and ended around 45 degrees or so. Plenty of unintentional rollers were thrown....lol. Everyone who came out is a true disc golf warrior!

We also had a Dean Bingham spotting! Thanks for coming out Dean, it's been too long since I've seen or talked to you.

The Pro/Adv field played Red baskets all the way around except for hole 5 where they played silver. The Am field played Red baskets except for hole 4 & 5. Next week we play Silver around the lake (3, 4 & 5) and Red baskets everywhere else.

Pro/Adv: 3 players, with Dean taking the field with a round of 64. Dean gets 4 points for his first place finish in the Pro division, and he also won the CTP for $6. Clayton Drake and Bobby Johnson each shot a 69, and elected to have their CTP throw off next week since no money was involved. So, their points remain the same until the playoff is decided. All three of these  guys are talented players. Their scores show how tough a night it really was.

Ams: 8 players. Shaun Egner Took first place with a fantastic round of 58 (+4). Shaun took home $25 for first place. Anthony Noe had another great showing with a round of 59 (+5). He took home $15 for second place, and adds 3 points to his total, putting himself in a tie for fourth place with AJ, and only 6 points out of first place. Luigi and Mike Noe tied for 3rd with rounds of 61 (+7), with Luigi winning the CTP playoff to claim 3rd place cash ($10) and 2 points to add to his total, putting him in a tie for first place with Dan Wisemantle. Mike Noe took home $5 for his 4th place finish, and also won the regular round CTP for $16. The Am field is really tight as you can see below. There are 6 players who are not mathematically eliminated yet and 5 of them are within 6 points of the leaders. With only two weeks left, it's a race to the finish!

Pro/Adv points:
First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   26
Bobby   Johnson   17
John   Boyd   11
Dean   Bingham   4
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Dan   Wisemantle   16
Luigi   Noe   16
Mike   Noe   14
AJ   Banaski   10
Anthony   Noe   10
Patrick   Johnson   8
Jeff   Kinsella   7
Shaun   Egner   6
Chris   McCabe   4
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Nick   Clancy   2
Chris   Greenfeul   2
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Connor   Chwaszczewski   1
Cody   Schmook   1
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2013, 03:31:06 PM »
Great night for glow golf. There was a full moon out. Almost seemed as if the "neighbor" left his porch light on. Lol. We had 11 players come out.

Pro/Adv: 2 Players. Clayton Drake took 2nd place overall, and first in the Pro division with a nice round of 52 for $15 and 4 more points. Clayton is well ahead of the field and could literally stay home and win it next week. Bobby Johnson took second in the Pro division with a round of 58 to add 3 more points to his total.

Ams: 9 players: Anthony Noe continues his charge with a great round of 50, coming in first place overall for $25 and 4 more points to add to his total. He is currently in 4th place, and is a serious threat to the players in 2nd and 3rd. Luigi Noe took 2nd in Ams, and 3rd overall, adding 3 points to his total and taking home $10. The 3 points puts him ahead of Dan Wisemantle for first place in points! Mike Noe and Shaun Egner tied for 3rd in Ams with nice rounds of 57. Mike won the CTP playoff, winning $5 and 2 points to add to his total.

Ace fund: The ace fund is up to $75! We had a short meeting before play, and everyone agreed to allow the ace fund to be used toward payouts for the points leaders next week, assuming no one hits an ace during the round. So, we will pay out to 1st and 2nd in the Pro division, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the Am division for overall points after next weeks rounds. Money will be split according to the average attendance for each division. Again, this is only if no one hits an ace this week.

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   30
Bobby   Johnson   20
John   Boyd   11
Dean   Bingham   4
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Luigi   Noe   19
Dan   Wisemantle   17
Mike   Noe   16
Anthony   Noe   14
AJ   Banaski   11
Patrick   Johnson   9
Jeff   Kinsella   8
Shaun   Egner   7
Chris   McCabe   4
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Nick   Clancy   2
Chris   Greenfeul   2
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Connor   Chwaszczewski   1
Cody   Schmook   1
Mike   Saenz   1
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2013, 01:57:57 PM »
Prediction..I win dan w 2nd n lui dont cash n we all tie. For 1st

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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2013, 03:28:08 PM »
I smell a CTP playoff.....

For this.....
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2013, 02:18:10 PM »
Ah yes, one last great night for glow golf. It was chilly, but very little wind, so it felt great. We had 9 players come out and there was a very tight race in Am's at the top of the overall points standings.

Pro/Adv: Clayton and Bobby, with Clayton taking it with a great round of 45 (-9). Clayton was 2nd overall, and took home $13. Bobby shot a 53 (-1), and took 2nd place in Pros for the night.

Ams: Mike Noe put in a smoking hot round of 42 (-12) to take first overall for the night. He takes home $25 and adds 4 points to his total. Unfortunately for Mike, Luigi took 2nd in Ams, and 3rd overall with a great round of 46 (-8) for $7, and 3 points to his total. Anthony Noe shot a 47 (-7) to take 3rd place in Ams for 2 more points. He also won the CTP on hole 1 for $18.

Overall Pros: Clayton runs away with the overall points lead in the Pro division, winning the trophy and $15. Bobby took second for $9.

Overall Ams: Luigi held everyone off, beating Mike by 2 points in the overall points to take home the trophy and $30. Mike was second and took home $20. Third place went to Dan Wisemantle, who will get $10 next time I see him, and Anthony took 4th place, trailing 1st by only 6 points. Anthony took home $7 for fourth place.

PDGA sanctioned results can be found at: http://www.pdga.com/tournament_results/107560/422196817

I had a great time running the leagues for you guys. Thanks for coming out week after week. Hopefully, we can build on this next year. Already looking forward to it....

First   Last   Points
Clayton   Drake   34
Bobby   Johnson   23
John   Boyd   11
Dean   Bingham   4
Eric   Fite   2
John   Marren   1
Elmer   Mueller   1
Matt   Myers   1
Kevin   Macuiba   1

First   Last   Points
Luigi   Noe   22
Mike   Noe   20
Dan   Wisemantle   17
Anthony   Noe   16
AJ   Banaski   12
Patrick   Johnson   10
Jeff   Kinsella   9
Shaun   Egner   8
Chris   McCabe   4
Dan   Czempinski   3
Steve   Rachan   3
John   Simon   3
Rico   Lopez   2
Nick   Clancy   2
Chris   Greenfeul   2
Brian   Espinoza   1
Steve   Vinyard   1
Zack    Taylor   1
Steve   Gera   1
James   Reid   1
Garry   Murphy   1
Patrick   Boesen   1
Connor   Chwaszczewski   1
Cody   Schmook   1
Mike   Saenz   1
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 02:21:54 PM by Aces and Chains »
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Re: Friday Night Lights - Glow League starting this Friday, Sept 20th at 7p
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2013, 02:32:17 PM »
Official TD report, and payment have been sent in.
Aces and Chains - Get you some!