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J-Town Disc Golf: Meeting Minutes

Author Topic: Meeting Minutes  (Read 74796 times)


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2014, 10:14:04 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 30
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order:  5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Jerimiah Bly
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Jason Poole
Shawn McCarthy

1) Financials (see attached)
•   61 Members (56 PDGA Members)
•   $837.34 Available for course projects.
•   $57 added to Club Supply fund from the Ropes at the Oaks supply rental. Balance $95.63.

2) Handicap Singles League
•   Average of 13 players per week in second session (13 sanctioned).
•   Third session has been sanctioned to run from 8/5-9/30 (9 weeks).
3) J-Town Invitational
•   Date changed to 8/23, Jason Poole-TD, ?-Assistant TD, Dellwood park.
•   Kelly Murray has agreed to do paintings as trophies for us again this year.

4) Club Inventory
•    See attached

5) Club Baskets
•   Basket borrowing rules:
o   Members may borrow baskets free of charge provided they are returned in the same condition they are received.
o   Member must have a signed contract on file before being allowed to borrow a basket.
o   Borrower is responsible for the pick-up and return.
o   Event requests take priority over personal use.
o   Borrower will be allowed a 2 week minimum before the next personal request is fulfilled.
•   Rules adopted 5-0.

6) Open Q&A
•    Discount J-Town SuperColor Buzzz to $10, adjust split to 100% ice bowl fundraising.

Meeting adjourned, 5:38 PM
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 05:56:29 AM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2014, 08:20:07 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 31
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order:  5:07 PM

Members Present:
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
•   65 Members
•   $906.34 available for course projects

2)   Handicap Singles League
•   14/wk Average
•   $224 added to Club Enhancement Fund so far this year

   a.   Awards
   •   $251 Available, expect ~$290 by end
   •   3 spots, 3 trophies
   •   $40 for trophies
   •   $10 to engrave perpetual trophy
   •   $150 for prizes
   •   Remainder to party (~$90)
   •   Vote Passes 3-0

3)   J-Town Invitational
•   Date changed to 10/5 due to course completion date
•   Jason Poole will be making trophies

4)   Saturday Bag Tags
•   Starting on 10/18/14 at 10am
•   Skip 11/1 for club challenge
•   Sanctioned through 12/20 (9 weeks)
•   May continue after that date depending on attendance
•   Points based on handicap scoring with trophies awarded (from General Fund)
•   Free entry (optional $1 Ace, $2 Club Enhancement CTP, $2 Ice Bowl CTP, $1 Sanctioning)

5)   Ice Bowl
   a.   Last Year’s Prize
   •   Chose 50 Discraft SuperColor discs. (Ultrastars if available)
   •   Jason will work on artwork for the discs. (Black and Red logo)

   b.   2015
   •   Date: 2/7/14
   •   TD: ?, Asst TD: Jason Poole

6)   2015 Bag Tags
   a.   Order
   •   Jason will modify existing artwork for 2015 and order tags numbered 1-129 and a replacement number 1.

   b.   Distribution
   •   Tags 31-129 will be available for purchase 11/1/14.
   •   Tags 1-30 will be played for at Saturday Bag Tags, date TBA.

7)   Open Q&A
   a.   Discontinuum Club Challenge (11/1/14)
      i.   Fairfield Park, Round Lake
      ii.   Captain: Dave Kociuba
      iii.   24 Player Limit
         1.   12 upper, 12 lower
         2.   10 spots for each division determined by rating
         3.   2 spots for each division will be captain’s pick
      iv.   CTP donation (vote passes 3-0)
         1.   2014+2015 Membership
         2.   J-Town Buzzz ($10 from Club Challenge -> Ice Bowl Fund)
         3.   Ice Bowl Wizzard ($10 from Club Challenge -> Ice Bowl Fund)

   b.   The Canyons (Dellwood) Grand Opening (9/20/14 11am-2pm)
      i.   Help with contests/giveaways
         1.   Frank and Jason will volunteer
      ii.   Donation (vote passes 3-0)
         1.   2014 Membership
         2.   J-Town Buzzz ($10 from General -> Ice Bowl Fund)
         3.   Ice Bowl Wizard ($10 from General -> Ice Bowl Fund)
         4.   J-Town Long Sleeve Shirt (1 Orange, 1 Navy)
         5.   Ice Bowl Mini ($3 from General -> Ice Bowl Fund)

Meeting adjourned, 5:38 PM


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2014, 08:38:02 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 32
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order: 5:03 PM

Members Present:
Jeremiah Bly
Frank Grimes
Kristi McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
•   86+ Members
•   $993.34 available for course projects

2)   Handicap Singles League Awards
•   $85 Trophies, $10 Engrave perpetual
•   $150 for prizes
•   $45 to party (to be paid)

3)   J-Town Invitational Recap
•   31 Players
•   Sold 11 memberships

4)   Discontinuum Club Challenge Recap
•   J-Town was represented by 27 players (15 Upper, 12 Lower)
•   3rd Overall (Upper finished 2nd, Lower finished 5th)
•   Sold 8 memberships

5)   2015 Ice Bowl
•   Vote to move date to 2/14 fails 0-4, date will remain 2/7
•   Location will be Trinity Links if we are able to secure additional parking.
•   Frank to contact Morning Star and Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church about additional parking.

6)   2015 Club Invitational
•   Jason to contact the IL State Coordinator to secure a date.  Shooting for a Saturday in August.
•   Jason to contact Lockport Park District to have the Tournament at Dellwood

7)   Open Q&A
•   We are delaying the vote on the handling of the 2013-14 Bag Tags Ace Pot until the January meeting.

Meeting adjourned, 5:50 PM


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2015, 08:59:32 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 33
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431
Meeting called to order: 5:05 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Jeremiah Bly
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Kristi McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   31 Members
●   $1072.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   PDGA Affiliate Club
●   Signed up for 2015 ($25)
●   $5 off for PDGA membership using code: 15JTOWNAFF
●   Continue? Voted Yes 5-0

3)   Tournament J-Town Logo Use
a.   Ropes
o   Approved 5-0
b.   IL State Championships
o   Approved 5-0
c.   Channahon Classic
o   Approved 5-0

4)   Club Invitational
●   Secured July 11th with the State Coordinator.
●   Dellwood pending park approval.

5)   Member Rewards
●   Summary attached

6)   Saturday Bag Tags
●   Continuing through 3/7 as a sanctioned league with points based on handicap scoring.
●   Jason Poole donated the plaques for the 2014 Winter Handicap

7)   2015 Ice Bowl
●   TD: Dave K,  ATD: Jason Poole
●   Frank got the OK to use the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church parking lot.
●   Trinity Links, 2/7/14
●   There will be many great raffle items, and there will be 5 J-Town merchandise CTPs for club members

8 )   Open Q&A
●   2013-14 Bag Tags Ace Pot, Voted to donate 3-0-2
●   The J-Town Disc Golf Club Member of the Year will be announced at the Ice Bowl

Meeting adjourned, 6:40 PM
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 06:19:40 AM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2015, 07:47:30 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 34
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431
Meeting called to order: 5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Frank Grimes
Dave Kociuba
Kristi McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Mike Flynn

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   59 Members
●   $1141.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   Bag Tags
●   Winter League report has been submitted and paid.
●   Jason will donate the Plaques to the top finishers
●   No Bag Tags until the fall unless someone is willing to run them
●   $214 Ace pot to roll into Handicap League

3)   Handicap League
●   1st session has been sanctioned to run from 3/31-5/26
●   2nd session will be from 6/2-7/28
●   3rd session will be from 8/4-9/29

4)   Ledgestone Insurance Open Sponsorship
●   Vote Fails 2-2

5)   Trilogy Challenge
●   To be discussed at a future meeting.

6)   Facebook Management
●    Dave K. will be assuming responsibilities of the Club’s Facebook and social media

7)   2015 Ice Bowl Recap
●   37 Players
●   Approx. $6,000 Donated
●   89 lbs of Food Donated
●   2016 may bring a new format for J-Town’s Ice Bowl

8 )   Discontinuum Club Challenge
●   4/4/15 at Lemon Lake
●   Dave Kociuba will be Captain for J-Town
●   J-Town will cover any entry fees/gate fees for J-Town Players
●   13 players per division, 10 selected by rating, 3 by captains pick

9)   Elections
a.   Timeline
●   Nominations open 3/9/15-4/13/15
●   Voting open 4/14/15-5/11/15
●   Ballets to be counted and made official at the 5/11/15 meeting.
●   Officers take their positions on 6/1/15

b.   Nominations
●   President:  Dave Kocuiba (accepted)
●   Vice President:  Frank Grimes, Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac
●   Treasurer:  Jason Poole (accepted)
●   Secretary:  Dean Bingham (accepted)
●   Member Advocate:  Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac

10)    Open Q&A
•   Mike Flynn Proposal:  Renting a chipper for Highland
•   $500 allowance + 10% cushion, approved 4-0
•   Mike will follow-up with more info and dates

Meeting adjourned, 6:00 PM
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 05:37:24 AM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2015, 09:07:25 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 35
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order: 5:20 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Frank Grimes
Shawn McCarthy
Steve Rachan
Jason Poole

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   90 Members
●   $679.34 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   Handicap League
●   1st session averaging 11 players / week
●   2nd session has been sanctioned to run from 6/2-7/28
●   3rd session will be from 8/4-9/29

3)   Discontinuum Club Challenge Recap
●   J-Town was represented by 26 players (14 upper, 12 lower)
●   1st Rnd 1st Overall (Uppers 1st, Lowers 2nd)
●   2nd Rnd 2nd Overall (Uppers 2nd, Lowers 2nd)
●   2nd Overall (Uppers 1st, Lowers 2nd)
●   Full points, and ratings for J-Town players are posted on the JTownDiscGolf.com message board.

4)   Course Project- Highland Park Basket Upgrade
●   Need additional 16 Sleeves ($17 Each+s/h, $296.26 Total)
●   Vote passes 4-0

5)   J-Town Club Invitational
●   Renting the pavilion at The Canyons will be $100+
●   Highland Park could be an option pending park approval.
●   Vote to move event to Highland passes 4-0

6)   Trilogy Challenge
●   6/6/15 Trinity Links

7)   Election
●   Dave Kociuba- President, unopposed
●   Jason Poole- Treasurer, unopposed
●   Dean Bingham- Secretary, unopposed
●   Need to have a special election for Vice President and Member Advocate
●   4/11/15-5/25/15 for nominations and acceptance
●   Jeremiah Bly-Member Advocate
●   Steve Rachan-Vice President
●   5/26/15-6/9/15 for voting

8 )    Open Q&A
•   Nothing presented.

Meeting adjourned, 6:00 PM
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 01:05:09 PM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2015, 01:42:11 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 36
McDonalds- 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL  60431
Meeting called to order: 5:10 PM

Members Present:
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1)   Financials (see attached)
●   101 Members
●   $620.03 available for course projects
●   Approved

2)   Handicap League
●   3rd Session will run from 8/4-9/29

3)   Club Invitational Recap
●   21 Players
●   $38 added to Club Enhancement Fund

4)   Ice Bowl Prize
●   Prize for our 9th place finish in money raised. ($6400)
●   Chose a Dynamic Discs Ranger Bag

5)   Election
●   Steve Rachan- VP (unopposed)
●   Jeremiah Bly- Member Advocate (unopposed)
●   The J-Town board would like to express their gratitude to outgoing VP Frank Grimes for his many years of service.

6)   Open Q&A
●   IL State Sponsorship- tournament supplies (Passes 3-0)
●   Highland Park cleanup project has been completed.  J-Town paid $360 for the rental and fueling of a wood chipper.

Meeting adjourned, 5:22 PM
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 03:19:52 PM by bangham »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2015, 11:35:15 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 37
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order:  4:58 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

   1) Financials
•   105 Members
•   Adjusted payments for all club supplies to come from the club supply fund with an annual transfer from the general fund to cover any shortfall.
•   Adjusted payments for sanctioning/PDGA fees to come from the sanctioning fund with an annual transfer from the general fund to cover any shortfall.
•   $1109.44 available for course projects
•   Approved

2) Handicap League
a.   2015
•   Avg 8 players per week
b.   Awards
•   Use general fund to cover 3 plaques
•   Budget $49 Party, $10 Perpetual, $140 Prizes (60/45/35)

3) Saturday Tags
•   Oct-Dec

4) Ice Bowl
a.   2015 Prize
•   Ranger Bag will be raffled at J-Town Fest ($5/ticket) to benefit the Dan Osysko Memorial Fund.
a.   2016
•   February, non-sanctioned
•   Trinity:  Bring your own partner, First round singles, Second round best shot
•   Cash payouts for all divisions

   5.) 2016 Bag Tags
a.   Order
•   150 Tags (1-149, extra 1), $1.75 each
•   $15.50 Shipping
b.   Distribution
•   1/2/16 Bag Tags
c.   Membership Pricing
•   $10 Tag and caribeener
•   $18 Tag, carabeener, and Disc ($10 Club, $8 Ice Bowl)
•   Free Membership for Rewards Program = $15 off $18 membership, then $3 will go to Ice Bowl donations.

   6.) Member Advocate Election
•   Nomination Period 9/14/15-9/28/15
•   Election Period 9/29/15-11/9/15
•   Nominees: Shawn McCarthy, Anthony Rodriguez, Tom Matesevac, Scott Carroll, Aris Pashos, Mick McGowan, Ryan Fancher

   7.) Open Q&A
•   Red Tee Pads at Highland
•   Steve Rachan will donate $350
•   Research pricing on pvc caps, valve boxes, etc. to cover unused sleeves

Meeting Adjourned, 6:18 PM
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 03:20:11 PM by bangham »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2016, 03:07:07 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 38
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:10 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   109 Members
●   $1,150.44 available for course projects
●   Approved 3-0

2) Handicap League Awards
•   $140 to prizes, $100 to party, ~$11 for engraving
•   Still awaiting final price for plaques.

3) Saturday Bag Tags
•   Avg 12 per week

4) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   2/20/16 Trinity Links
•   TD- Dave Kociuba
•   Charity- Salvation Army

5) Dan O Bag Raffle
•   To be discussed at our next meeting.

6) Member Advocate Election
•   Shawn McCarthy accepted his nomination and is running unopposed.

7) Open Q&A
•   Logo use and approval: Ropes at the Oaks 3-0, IL State 3-0, Channahon Classic 3-0

Meeting adjourned, 5:23 PM
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 08:49:03 AM by pooleje »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2016, 10:42:54 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 39
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:00 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   15 Members
●   $1188.77 available for course projects
●   Approved 5-0

2) Saturday Bag Tags
•   First session complete and PDGA reporting complete
•   Second session to run from 1/9/16 to 3/12/16
•   Optional sanctioned first round at the Ice Bowl

3) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   2/20, Trinity Links, Dave K TD, Jason Poole Asst TD
•   Bring your own partner double, rd 1 short tees combined score, rd 2 short tee best shot doubles
•   Charity: The Salvation Army

4) Bag Raffle benefiting the Dan O memorial fund
•   Raised $305

5) Member Reward Program
•   See attached stats
•   Changed reward wording to reflect new membership pricing “Free J-Town Disc Golf Club Membership” has been changed to “$15 off next year’s J-Town Disc Golf Club Membership”

6) Course Projects
•   Shawn McCarthy

7) Open Q&A
a. PDGA Affiliate discount code: 16JTOWNTVSAFF
b. 2015 Member of the Year Award

Meeting adjourned, 6:15 PM
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 11:46:23 AM by bangham »


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2016, 11:37:57 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 40
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:07 PM

Members Present:
Dean Bingham
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1) Financials (see attached)
●   82 Members
●   $1250 available for course projects
●   Approved 4-0

2) Saturday Bag Tags
•   Second session complete and PDGA reporting complete
•   $222 Ace pot to roll over to next fall

3) 2016 Ice Bowl
•   $2736 Raised and paid to The Salvation Army
•   72 players

4) Discontinuum Club Challenge
•   4/9/16, Lemon Lake
•   3 Divisions (945+, 900-944, 899-)
•   Captain: Dave Kociuba, Co: Dean Bingham
•   14 players per division (11 based on rating, 3 captain picks)
•   Club will cover any entry fees/gate fees for J-Town Players
•   Club will donate 3 discs and 3 memberships

5) Handicap League
•   3 Sanctioned seasons (4/5-5/31, 6/7-7/26, 8/2-9/27)
•   First season has been paid.
•   Jason Poole TD, Brad McCarthy Asst.

6) Elections
•   Nominations: 3/14/16-4/8/16
a.   President:  Dave Kociuba (A), Jesse Saenz (?)
b.   Vice President:  Steve Rachan (A)
c.   Treasurer:  Jason Poole (A)
d.   Secretary:  Dean Bingham (A)
e.   Member Advocate:  Shawn McCarthy (A), Sean Callahan (?)
•   Voting:  4/19/16-5/9/16
•   Ballets to be counted at the 5/9/16 Club Meeting
•   Officers take their positions on 6/1/16

7) Open Q&A
a. 3/26/16 Basket Swap at Highland #15-#12 8:00 AM
b. Organizing for concrete tee pad #16 at Highland for sometime in April
c. Club will order another batch of carabineers
d. Up to $500 Allowance for Highland Clean-up, Approved 4-0

Meeting adjourned, 5:52 PM


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2016, 01:04:40 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 41
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:02 PM

Members Present:
Sean Callahan
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1.   Financials (see attached)
●   114 Members
●   $801 available for course projects
●   Approved 4-0

2.   Discontinuum Club Challenge Recap
•   J-Town was represented by 42 players (15 A, 13 B, 14 C)
•   J-Town came out in the lead for all divisions both rounds
•   Full points, and ratings for J-Town players are posted on the JTownDiscGolf.com message board.

3.   Handicap League
•   1st session averaging 21 players/week
•   2nd session has been sanctioned to run from 6/7-7/26

4.   Highland Park Basket Move Recap
•   8 Members showed up to help out
•   Basket move went easier than expected so we did some additional work:
o   cut a fairway for the 2nd pin placement on 6
o   installed basket sleeves on 6 and 11
o   pulled the old baskets on 5 and 6

5.   Course Project- Highland Park Tee for 16
•   Hand mix bags of concrete and get gravel from course.  Date TBA.

6.   Course Project- Signs for Dellwood
•   J-Town to sponsor tee signs for new holes at Dellwood (6A-B, 8A-D) at $30 each ($180 Total) in exchange for J-Town logo inclusion in the design. Vote Passes 4-0
•   Sponsorship for Blue tee signs (10).  Vote Passes 4-0
•   Sponsorship for A-B tee signs (2).  Vote Passes 4-0
•   Replacement of signs needing updating (11).  Vote Fails 0-3-1
•   Steve Rachan volunteered to cover the cost of the 2 damaged signs (5 & 10)

7.   Elections
●   Dave Kociuba- President, unopposed
●   Steve Rachan-Vice President, unopposed
●   Jason Poole- Treasurer, unopposed
●   Dean Bingham- Secretary, unopposed
●   Vote for Member Advocate
o   Sean Callahan will take over the position on 6/1
o   We would like to thank Shawn McCarthy for his time and dedication to the position.

8.   Open Q&A
●   J-Town Invitational
o   7/17 or 7/24
o   Sean Callahan to contact Dellwood for course use, backup location will be Trinity Links
●   Jason Poole to create league page for Briggs St Doubles on jtowndiscgolf.com

Meeting adjourned, 5:53 PM


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2016, 07:05:22 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 42
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order: 5:01 PM

Members Present:
Sean Callahan
Dave Kociuba
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole

1.   Financials (see attached)
●   130 Members
●   $257 available for course projects
●   Approved 3-0

2.   Handicap League
•   2nd session averaging 19 players/week
•   Current session runs through 7/26
•   3rd Session will run from 8/2-9/27 (9 Weeks)

3.   Course Project- Highland Park (16 Tee)
•   Proposed date of 8/6 will not work due to officers not being available.
•   To be discussed at the September club meeting.

4.   Course Project- Signs for Dellwood
•   Final cost $707 from J-Town DGC, $60 from Steve Rachan, and the park district covered the rest for 30 new tee signs.
•   Signs have been installed.
5.   J-Town Invitational
•   7/17 at Dellwood
•   Sean Callahan has reserved the pavilion
•   Jason Poole TD
•   4 Divisions: Open, Adv, Adv Women, and Rec

6.   West Park
•   Sean Callahan to contact Army Corps of Engineers and will report back about any impacts to the current layout before planning begins for any changes.

7.   Open Q&A
•   Sean Callahan to contact Shorewood Park District in regard to a down tree on hole 11 at Shorewood Park
•   Jason Poole to talk to Gary about the plans for changing pin placements at Highland

Meeting adjourned, 5:34 PM


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2016, 01:17:22 PM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 43
Community Park, Channahon, IL
Meeting called to order: 5:12 P.M

Members Present:
Sean Callahan
Shawn McCarthy
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1.   Financials (see attached)
●   147 Members
●   $665 available for course projects

2.   Handicap League
•   2nd session report has been turned in and paid
•   Current session runs through 9/27

a. Awards
•   $433 Available, estimate $470 by end
•   4 Spots, 3 Plaques
•   Budget $120 Party, $10 Perpetual, $100 Plaques, $235 Prizes (80/60/50/45)

3.   Greater Joliet Bag Tags (Saturdays)
•   11/5-12/31 (9 weeks)
•   J-Town, Basketcases, CSI, Birdie Babes
•   Inviting Chicagoland Disc Golf Club to join
•   $5 entry fee each week: $3 50/50 CTP $1 Ace Fund $1 Sanctioning
•   50/50 CTP proceeds will be split evenly into each representing club

4.   Course Project- Highland Park (16 Tee)
•   Proposed date: September 17, 2016
o   Date changed to September 16, 2016
o   Steve Rachan, Dean Bingham, Marco Guiterrez (and family) were present in completing the teepad

5.   2017 Ice Bowl
•   February 18, Trinity, non-sanctioned.
•   Bring your own partner, First round singles, Second round best shot
•   Cash payouts for all divisions
•   Fundraiser Raffle
•   Proposed Entry:
o   Men’s Open: $80 per team
o   Men’s Advanced: $60 per team
o   Men’s Recreational: $60 per team
o   Women’s Advanced: $40 per team
•   Tournament Director: Steve Rachan
•   Assistant Tournament Director: Jason Poole

6.   2017 Bag Tags
a. Order
•   200 Tags (1-199, extra 1), $1.75 ea
•   20 more 2016 Tags (151-170), $1.75 ea
•   $15 Shipping
•   $400 total from general fund (approved 4-0)

b. Distribution
•   1/7/17 at Greater Joliet Bag Tags
•   Any player to buy a new 2016 J-town Disc Golf Club tag after November 1st, 2016 will receive a 2017 after January 7th, 2017

c. Membership Pricing
•   $10 Tag and carabineer
•   $18 Tag, carabineer, and disc ($10 Club, $8 Ice Bowl)
•   Free Membership for Rewards Program = $15 off $18 membership, then $3 will go to Ice Bowl donation

7.   West Park
•   No reply from Army Core of Engineers
•   Plan redesigns over winter, give West Park a facelift Spring/Summer 2017
•   Continue searching for information on West Park’s future outside of the disc golf course
•   Our priority is to redesign West Park to be safe, playable, and long lasting

8.   Open Q&A
•   We received 5 old Ice Bowl discs for our 2016 Ice Bowl total.  Add to next year’s Ice Bowl raffle
•   Gary does not plan to move pin placements at Highland this year.
•   Add a new sleeve to Hole 5 at Highland near old pin placement (compliment Hole 6’s alternate pin placement)
•   Use of Club’s baskets at Heritage Park October 22nd and 23rd, 2016 approved
o   Shawn Mccarthy : 3 baskets, Dean Bingham: 1 basket  Thor : 4 baskets for the event
•   Cancel approved woodchip rental project at Highland ($550  Club Enhancement Fund)

Meeting adjourned, 6:11 P.M.


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Re: Meeting Minutes
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2016, 06:54:32 AM »
J-Town Disc Golf Club Meeting 44
McDonalds – 4280 W Jefferson St, Joliet, IL 60431
Meeting called to order: 5:06 pm

Members Present:
Shawn McCarthy
Kristi McCarthy
Ismael Ochoa
Jason Poole
Steve Rachan

1.   Financials (see attached)
●   151 Members
●   $1182 available for course projects
●   Chipper rental project canceled and reserved funds have been returned to course project fund

2.   Greater Joliet Bag Tags (Saturdays)
•   Avg 16 per week
•   Awards
o   Greater Joliet Bag Tags
   Points based on Scratch Score
   Funds to come from CTP fund

3.   2017 Ice Bowl
•   February 18, Trinity, non-sanctioned.
•   Bring your own partner, First round singles, Second round best shot
•   Cash payouts for all divisions
•   Fundraiser Raffle
•   Proposed Entry:
o   Men’s Open: $80 per team
o   Men’s Advanced: $60 per team
o   Men’s Recreational: $60 per team
o   Women’s Advanced: $40 per team
•   Tournament Director: Steve Rachan
•   Assistant Tournament Director: Jason Poole

4.   Open Q&A
•   Nothing presented.

Meeting adjourned, 6:06 pm